Project description:The effects of two years' winter warming on the overall fungal functional gene structure in Alaskan tundra soil were studies by the GeoChip 4.2 Resuts showed that two years' winter warming changed the overall fungal functional gene structure in Alaskan tundra soil.
Project description:Clipping (i.e., harvesting aboveground plant biomass) is common in agriculture and for bioenergy production. However, microbial responses to clipping in the context of climate warming are poorly understood. We investigated the interactive effects of grassland warming and clipping on soil properties, plant and microbial communities, in particular microbial functional genes. Clipping alone did not change the plant biomass production, but warming and clipping combined increased the C4 peak biomass by 47% and belowground net primary production by 110%. Clipping alone and in combination with warming decreased the soil carbon input from litter by 81% and 75%, respectively. With less carbon input, the abundances of genes involved in degrading relatively recalcitrant carbon increased by 38-137% in response to either clipping or the combined treatment, which could weaken the long-term soil carbon stability and trigger a positive feedback to warming. Clipping alone also increased the abundance of genes for nitrogen fixation, mineralization and denitrification by 32-39%. The potentially stimulated nitrogen fixation could help compensate for the 20% decline in soil ammonium caused by clipping alone, and contribute to unchanged plant biomass. Moreover, clipping tended to interact antagonistically with warming, especially on nitrogen cycling genes, demonstrating that single factor studies cannot predict multifactorial changes. These results revealed that clipping alone or in combination with warming altered soil and plant properties, as well as the abundance and structure of soil microbial functional genes. The aboveground biomass removal for biofuel production needs to be re-considered as the long-term soil carbon stability may be weakened.
Project description:This experiment aims on the identification of serine hydrolases from a complex thermophile community that live in a hot vent in Kamchatka Peninsula based on in vivo labelling with FP-alkyne directly in the hot spring and subsequent analysis using metagenomics/metaproteomics. To this end, sediment samples were collected and treated using the following three conditions. DMSO- treated control FP-alkyne labelled Samples for each condition were prepared in triplicate, resulting a total number of 6 samples per spring. Labelling was performed using 4 µM of the probe FP-alkyne and incubation for 2 h in the hot spring.
Project description:Climate change and resulting global warming are challenging environmental problems. Understanding the thermal adaptation mechanisms and survival strategies are of paramount importance. Fish has served as excellent animal model for understanding many biological processes. The present study was undertaken to investigate the proteomic changes in liver of murrel Channa striatus exposed to high temperature stress. Fishes were exposed to 36 °C for 4 days and liver proteome changes were analyzed using gel- based proteomics i.e. 2D gel electrophoresis, MALDI-TOF-MS and validation by transcript analysis. The study showed, besides others, up regulation of two sets of proteins, the antioxidant enzymes SOD, ferritin, GST and chaperones HSP60, PDI which was validated by transcript analysis. Further, gene expression analysis was also carried out in the fishes exposed to thermal stress for longer duration (30 days, in the laboratory and beyond, taking Channa collected from a hot spring runoff at a water temperature 36-38 °C); hsp60, sod and gst were found to continue to remain up regulated at 11, 8 and 3 folds, respectively in the hot spring runoff fish. Thus the study showed that SOD, GST and HSP60 play important role in thermal adaptation and survival under chronic heat stress.
Project description:Here, we applied a microarray-based metagenomics technology termed GeoChip 5.0 to investigate spring microbial functional genes in mesocosm-simulated shallow lake ecosystems having been undergoing nutrient enrichment and warming for nine years.
Project description:Because of severe abiotic limitations, Antarctic soils represent simplified ecosystems, where microorganisms are the principle drivers of nutrient cycling. This relative simplicity makes these ecosystems particularly vulnerable to perturbations, like global warming, and the Antarctic Peninsula is among the most rapidly warming regions on the planet. However, the consequences of the ongoing warming of Antarctica on microorganisms and the processes they mediate are unknown. Here, using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing and qPCR, we report a number of highly consistent changes in microbial community structure and abundance across very disparate sub-Antarctic and Antarctic environments following three years of experimental field warming (+ 0.5-2°C). Specifically, we found significant increases in the abundance of fungi and bacteria and in the Alphaproteobacteria-to-Acidobacteria ratio. These alterations were linked to a significant increase in soil respiration. Furthermore, the shifts toward generalist or opportunistic bacterial communities following warming weakened the linkage between bacterial diversity and functional diversity. Warming also increased the abundance of some organisms related to the N-cycle, detected as an increase in the relative abundance of nitrogenase genes via GeoChip microarray analyses. Our results demonstrate that soil microorganisms across a range of sub-Antarctic and Antarctic environments can respond consistently and rapidly to increasing temperatures, thereby potentially disrupting soil functioning.
Project description:Because of severe abiotic limitations, Antarctic soils represent simplified ecosystems, where microorganisms are the principle drivers of nutrient cycling. This relative simplicity makes these ecosystems particularly vulnerable to perturbations, like global warming, and the Antarctic Peninsula is among the most rapidly warming regions on the planet. However, the consequences of the ongoing warming of Antarctica on microorganisms and the processes they mediate are unknown. Here, using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing and qPCR, we report a number of highly consistent changes in microbial community structure and abundance across very disparate sub-Antarctic and Antarctic environments following three years of experimental field warming (+ 0.5-2°C). Specifically, we found significant increases in the abundance of fungi and bacteria and in the Alphaproteobacteria-to-Acidobacteria ratio. These alterations were linked to a significant increase in soil respiration. Furthermore, the shifts toward generalist or opportunistic bacterial communities following warming weakened the linkage between bacterial diversity and functional diversity. Warming also increased the abundance of some organisms related to the N-cycle, detected as an increase in the relative abundance of nitrogenase genes via GeoChip microarray analyses. Our results demonstrate that soil microorganisms across a range of sub-Antarctic and Antarctic environments can respond consistently and rapidly to increasing temperatures, thereby potentially disrupting soil functioning. We conducted in situ warming experiments for three years using open-top chambers (OTCs) at one sub-Antarctic (Falkland Islands, 52ºS) and two Antarctic locations (Signy and Anchorage Islands, 60ºS and 67ºS respectively) (see Supplementary Fig. 1 for a map). OTCs increased annual soil temperature by an average of 0.8°C (at a depth of 5 cm), resulting in 8-43% increase in positive-degree days annually and a decrease in freeze-thaw cycle frequency by an average of 15 cycles per year (8). At each location, we included densely vegetated and bare fell-field soils in the experimental design for a total of six environments. Densely vegetated and bare environments represent two contrasting environments for Antarctic soil microorganisms, with large differences in terms of C and N inputs to soils. Massively parallel pyrosequencing (Roche 454 GS FLX Titanium) of 16S rRNA gene amplicons was used to follow bacterial diversity and community composition [GenBank Accession Numbers: HM641909-HM744649], and functional gene microarrays (GeoChip 2.0)(11) were used to assess changes in functional gene distribution. Bacterial and fungal communities were also quantified using real-time PCR.
Project description:The response of soil microbial community to climate warming through both function shift and composition reorganization may profoundly influence global nutrient cycles, leading to potential significant carbon release from the terrain to the atmosphere. Despite the observed carbon flux change in northern permafrost, it remains unclear how soil microbial community contributes to this ecosystem alteration. Here, we applied microarray-based GeoChip 4.0 to investigate the functional and compositional response of subsurface (15~25cm) soil microbial community under about one year’s artificial heating (+2°C) in the Carbon in Permafrost Experimental Heating Research site on Alaska’s moist acidic tundra. Statistical analyses of GeoChip signal intensities showed significant microbial function shift in AK samples. Detrended correspondence analysis and dissimilarity tests (MRPP and ANOSIM) indicated significant functional structure difference between the warmed and the control communities. ANOVA revealed that 60% of the 70 detected individual genes in carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and sulfur cyclings were substantially increased (p<0.05) by heating. 18 out of 33 detected carbon degradation genes were more abundant in warming samples in AK site, regardless of the discrepancy of labile or recalcitrant C, indicating a high temperature sensitivity of carbon degradation genes in rich carbon pool environment. These results demonstrated a rapid response of northern permafrost soil microbial community to warming. Considering the large carbon storage in northern permafrost region, microbial activity in this region may cause dramatic positive feedback to climate change, which is important and necessary to be integrated into climate change models.
Project description:The earth’s climate is warming, and warming-induced biological feedbacks to climate threaten to further destabilize ecosystems. In a 30-year soil warming field experiment at the Harvard Forest in central Massachusetts, microbial isolates from heated (+5 degrees C above ambient) show signs of irreversible adaptation to warming in traits associated with altered soil biogeochemical cycling. Our labs have documented physiological adaptation in all three dimensions of microbial activities: growth, resource acquisition, and stress tolerance. We will use metabolomics to investigate the nature of adaptation due to long-term warming, where reduced soil organic matter, reduced soil water holding capacity and potentially increased niche partitioning may be a selective pressure. Specifically we hypothesize that increased drought tolerance of Actinobacteria exposed to long-term warming is due to production of more or different compatible solutes compared to isolates from controls.
The work (proposal: conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Project description:We carried out an in-depth analysis of the monthly variations of a temperate grassland ecosystem to examine a range of biotic and abiotic factors that underpin soil respiration changes in response to warming.