Project description:Toxicity of river sediments are assessed using whole sediment toxicity tests with benthic organisms. The challenge, however, is the differentiation between multiple effects caused by complex contaminant mixtures and the unspecific toxicity endpoints such as survival, growth or reproduction. Moreover, natural sediment properties, such as grain size distribution and organic carbon content, can influence the test parameters by masking pollutant toxicity. The use of gene expression profiling facilitates the identification of transcriptional changes at the molecular level that are specific to the bioavailable fraction of pollutants. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is ideally suited for these purposes, as (i) it can be exposed to whole sediments, and (ii) its genome is fully sequenced and widely annotated. In this pilot study we exposed C. elegans for 48 h to three sediments varying in degree of contamination with e.g. heavy metals and organic pollutants. Following the exposure period, gene expression was profiled using a whole genome DNA-microarray approach. Whole genome DNA microarray experiments were performed using a common reference design to identify differentially expressed genes in nematodes exposed to one of three river sediments of differing pollution level. Each sample consists of the 5 “biological replicates”.
Project description:Metaproteomic data for Rodriguez-Ramos, et al. interrogating microbial and viral communities of hyporheic river sediments within the Columbia River. Samples were digested with trypsin, and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Data was searched with MS-GF+ using PNNL's DMS Processing pipeline.
Project description:Toxicity of river sediments are assessed using whole sediment toxicity tests with benthic organisms. The challenge, however, is the differentiation between multiple effects caused by complex contaminant mixtures and the unspecific toxicity endpoints such as survival, growth or reproduction. Moreover, natural sediment properties, such as grain size distribution and organic carbon content, can influence the test parameters by masking pollutant toxicity. The use of gene expression profiling facilitates the identification of transcriptional changes at the molecular level that are specific to the bioavailable fraction of pollutants. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is ideally suited for these purposes, as (i) it can be exposed to whole sediments, and (ii) its genome is fully sequenced and widely annotated. In this pilot study we exposed C. elegans for 48 h to three sediments varying in degree of contamination with e.g. heavy metals and organic pollutants. Following the exposure period, gene expression was profiled using a whole genome DNA-microarray approach.
Project description:Escaped domesticated individuals can introduce disadvantageous traits into wild populations due to both adaptive differences between population ancestors and human-induced changes during domestication. In contrast to their domesticated counterparts, some endangered wild Atlantic salmon populations encounter during their marine stage large amounts of suspended sediments, which may act as a selective agent. We used microarrays to elucidate quantitative transcriptional differences between a domesticated salmon strain, a wild population and their first-generation hybrids during their marine life stage, to describe transcriptional responses to natural suspended sediments, and to test for adaptive genetic variation in plasticity relating to a history of natural exposure or nonexposure to suspended sediments. We identified 67 genes differing in transcription level among salmon groups. Among these genes, processes related to energy metabolism and ion homoeostasis were over-represented, while genes contributing to immunity and actin-/myosin-related processes were also involved in strain differentiation. DomesticM-bM-^@M-^Swild hybrids exhibited intermediate transcription patterns relative to their parents for two-thirds of all genes that differed between their parents; however, genes deviating from additivity tended to have similar levels to those expressed by the wild parent. Sediments induced increases in transcription levels of eight genes, some of which are known to contribute to external or intracellular damage mitigation. Although genetic variation in plasticity did not differ significantly between groups after correcting for multiple comparisons, two genes (metallothionein and glutathione reductase) tended to be more plastic in response to suspended sediments in wild and hybrid salmon, and merit further examination as candidate genes under natural selection. Salmon of three genotypes (strains: 1. wild (Stewiacke River salmon), 2. domesticated (Saint John River salmon), and 3. first generation hybrids between the two strains, were exposed to two environments (treatment: 1. suspended sediments, 2. control: clear water), using eight biological replicates (individuals) of each of the six experimental groups, summing up to 48 individuals, each individual has two technical replicates , each technical replicate has been labelled with a different dye, each technical replicate appears on a different array, dye swaps are equilibrated for arrays that combine individuals from different genotypes and for arrays that combine individuals from the same genotype but different environments. Technical replicates of individuals always appear once on arrays that compare between environments and once on arrays that compare among genotypes. In total there are 48 arrays.
Project description:Data from clinical studies, cell culture, and animal models implicate the urokinase (uPA)/Plasminogen (Plg) system in the development of atherosclerosis and aneurysms. However, the mechanisms through which uPA/Plg stimulate these diseases are not yet defined. We used genetically modified, atherosclerosis-prone mice, including mice with macrophage-specific uPA overexpression to clarify mechanisms of uPA/Plg-accelerated atherosclerosis and aneurysm formation. Microarray studies were performed to identify potential mediators of uPA-accelerated atherosclerosis. These studies identified S100A8 and S100A9 mRNA as the most highly upregulated transcripts in uPA-overexpressing macrophages; upregulation of S100A9 protein in uPA-overexpressing macrophages was confirmed by Western blotting. S100A8/A9, which are atherogenic in mice and are expressed in human atherosclerotic plaques, are also upregulated in aortae of mice with uPA-overexpressing macrophages, and macrophage S100A9 mRNA is upregulated by exposure of wild-type macrophages to medium from uPA-overexpressing macrophages. Bioinformatics analysis of the microarray data suggest significant effects of uPA overexpression on cell migration and cell-matrix interactions. Our results confirm—in a second animal model—that macrophage-expressed uPA stimulates atherosclerosis and aortic dilation. They also implicate specific pathways in uPA/Plg-accelerated atherosclerosis and aneurysmal disease.
Project description:In addition to immunodeficiency, host mice for chimeric mice with highly humanized liver should have hepatic malfunction in order to allow higher replacement rate of human hepatocytes in the liver. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) whole gene transfer is often employed to achieve hepatic malfunction in the host mice. We have established uPA cDNA transfer that is far stable, as compared with traditional whole uPA gene transfer. Hepatic gene expression was quite similar between whole uPA gene transfer and uPA cDNA transfer after transplantation of the same lot of human hepatocyte (BD195),, as compared with the variation of gene expression after transplantation of different lots of human hepatocytes to host mice with whole uPA gene transfer.
Project description:Data from clinical studies, cell culture, and animal models implicate the urokinase (uPA)/Plasminogen (Plg) system in the development of atherosclerosis and aneurysms. However, the mechanisms through which uPA/Plg stimulate these diseases are not yet defined. We used genetically modified, atherosclerosis-prone mice, including mice with macrophage-specific uPA overexpression to clarify mechanisms of uPA/Plg-accelerated atherosclerosis and aneurysm formation. Microarray studies were performed to identify potential mediators of uPA-accelerated atherosclerosis. These studies identified S100A8 and S100A9 mRNA as the most highly upregulated transcripts in uPA-overexpressing macrophages; upregulation of S100A9 protein in uPA-overexpressing macrophages was confirmed by Western blotting. S100A8/A9, which are atherogenic in mice and are expressed in human atherosclerotic plaques, are also upregulated in aortae of mice with uPA-overexpressing macrophages, and macrophage S100A9 mRNA is upregulated by exposure of wild-type macrophages to medium from uPA-overexpressing macrophages. Bioinformatics analysis of the microarray data suggest significant effects of uPA overexpression on cell migration and cell-matrix interactions. Our results confirm—in a second animal model—that macrophage-expressed uPA stimulates atherosclerosis and aortic dilation. They also implicate specific pathways in uPA/Plg-accelerated atherosclerosis and aneurysmal disease. Six independent biological replicate RNA samples were prepared from thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages from mice of two different genotypes: SR-uPA+/0 transgenic (overexpress uPA in macrophages) and nontransgenic, respectively), for a total of 12 independent RNA samples. Both transgenic and nontransgenic mice were Apoe-/- and were fed Western diet from 5-15 weeks before peritoneal macrophages were elicited. In addition, from the six samples of each genotype, a pooled sample was prepared by combining the six genotype-specific samples. Each of the two pooled samples was assayed on the BeadChip in two technical replicates, for a total of 16 hybridizations performed using two Illumina Mouse Ref-8 v1.1 chips.
Project description:The goal of this study is to provide the liver metabolic changes in the liver specific Atf4 knockout MUP-uPA (MUP-uPA/Atf4Δhep) mice and understand the function of ATF4 in the stressed liver
2023-12-09 | GSE191115 | GEO
Project description:DWTR-remediated river sediments