Project description:The causes underlyed the acquisition and maintainance of a severe allergic phenotype remain unknown. Here, we study the cd3+ complete transcriptomic fingerprint from severity-stratified patients to understand the involvement of these cells in the development of severe allergy. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression of CD3+ cells from severity-stratified allergic patients
Project description:Prevalence and severity of allergic diseases have increased worldwide. To date, respiratory allergy phenotypes are not fully characterized and, along with inflammation progression, treatment is increasingly complex and expensive. Profilin sensitization constitutes a good model to study the progression of allergic inflammation. We have used microarrays to understand the underlying mechanisms of severe profilin-mediated reactions using a model that includes patients with different levels of sensitization to profilin (non-allergic, mild, moderate and severe)
Project description:In this study we present the first genome-wide expression profiling of peripheral B cells by massive parallel RNA sequencing in patients with allergic asthma validating the discovery potential of this approach in allergy. RNA-seq was used to asses expression differences in B CD19 Lymphocytes from house dust mite allergic patients and healthy controls.
Project description:Leptospirosis is zoonotic disease of global importance, with over a million cases andnearly 60,000 deaths annually. Symptomatic disease presentation ranges from a mildfebrile disease with non-specific symptoms to severe forms, characterized by multi-organ failure, lung hemorrhage, and death. Factors governing severe outcomes remainunclear, but the host immune response likely plays an important role. In the presentstudy, we applied high throughput techniques to identify the antibody profiles ofpatients with severe and mild leptospirosis. We discovered a limited number ofimmunodominant antigens, specific to patients. Surprisingly, we found the antibodyrepertoire varies in patients with different clinical outcomes and hypothesized thatpatients with mild symptoms were protected from severe disease due to pre-existingantibodies, while the profile of patients with severe outcomes was representative of afirst exposure. These findings represent a substantial step forward in the knowledge ofthe humoral immune response to Leptospira infection, and we have identified newtargets for vaccine and diagnostic test development.
Project description:The increase in atopic diseases has occurred in such a short period of time that it becomes difficult to be attributed only to genetic factors, which usually need more prolonged time periods to manifest. In this setting during the last decade, the science of epigenetics has increasingly developed offering new perspectives and opening a new challenging research area. In this study we aimed to study the epigenetic patterns in B CD19+ Lymphocytes from healthy and allergic patients using the improved version of HELP assay. Our study focused specifically on DNA methylation in B CD19+ Lymphocytes isolated from whole blood of dust allergic patients (ALLERGY, n=3), aspirin intolerants (ASPIRIN INTOLERANT, n=3) and healthy subjects (CONTROL, n=3). We utilized a two-stage design involving genome-wide discovery followed by quantitative, single-locus validation. Each microarray consists of a two-color comparison of a methylation-sensitive representation of the genome (HpaII) with an internal methylation-insensitive control/reference (MspI).
Project description:Measurement of cytokine secretion and gene expression changes from allergic and tolerant<br>patient lymphocytes stimulated with p-phenylenediamine and Bandrowski's base
Project description:Whole blood transcriptomes from a longitudinal study of 5 Malawian children who first present with severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria, and return in one month with mild malaria We used microarrays to identify transcripts that were associated with each clinical presentation. A blood sample was taken upon presentation during the severe and mild malaria episodes in 5 Malawian children (total n=5 pairs) followed by RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST Array, using a paired analysis