Project description:Premetamorphic Xenopus laevis tadpoles limb bud cells respond to thyroid hormone by proliferation and subsequent differentiation. The goal of this experiment is to identify the genes involved in the TH-induced proliferation pathway in developing tadpole limb bud and compare it to TH-induced proliferation and differentiation program in tadpole brain. Xenopus tadpoles (NF54) were treated with 1 mM methimazole in 0.1 X MMR solution for 1 week to block the endogenous TH production and reduce the TH present in the system of the tadpole. They were then treated with 100 nM T3 in 1 mM methimazole and 0.1 x MMR for another 24h and 48h or without T3 for 48h (control group). Limb buds were dissected at the end of the experiment. Keywords: development or differentiation design,organism part comparison design,reference design,replicate design,time series design
Project description:Premetamorphic Xenopus laevis tadpole tail respond to thyroid hormone by resorption. The goal of this experiment is to identify the genes involved in the TH-induced resorption tadpole tail and compare it to TH-induced proliferation and differentiation program in tadpole limb and brain. Xenopus tadpoles (NF54) were treated with 100 nM T3 in 0.1 x MMR for another 24h and 48h or without T3 for 48h (control group). NF 61 tadpoles were in 0.1 X MMR till they reached NF stage 62. The tails were dissected after the experiment. Keywords: development or differentiation design,organism part comparison design,reference design,replicate design,time series design
Project description:Premetamorphic Xenopus laevis tadpoles brain ventricle cells respond to thyroid hormone by proliferation and subsequent differentiation. The goal of this experiment is to identify the genes involved in the TH-induced proliferation pathway in tadpole brain and compare it to TH-induced proliferation and differentiation program in tadpole limb. Xenopus tadpoles (NF54) were treated with 1 mM methimazole in 0.1 X MMR solution for 1 week to block the endogenous TH production and reduce the TH present in the system of the tadpole. They were then treated with 100 nM T3 in 1 mM methimazole and 0.1 x MMR for another 24h and 48h or without T3 for 48h (control group). Brains from the tadpoles were dissected at the end of the experiment. Keywords: development or differentiation design,organism part comparison design,reference design,replicate design,time series design
Project description:Reporting data obtained from dividing the stage 51 Xenopus laevis hind limb bud into thirds along the proximal distal axis (proximal, medial, distal) and sequencing the extracted RNA to investigate differences in gene expression
Project description:Premetamorphic Xenopus laevis tadpole tail respond to thyroid hormone by resorption. The goal of this experiment is to identify the genes involved in the TH-induced resorption tadpole tail and compare it to TH-induced proliferation and differentiation program in tadpole limb and brain. Xenopus tadpoles (NF54) were treated with 100 nM T3(triioodthyronine) in 0.1 x MMR for another 24h and 48h or without T3 for 48h (control group). NF 61 tadpoles were in 0.1 X MMR till they reached NF stage 62. The tails were dissected after the experiment.
Project description:Premetamorphic Xenopus laevis tadpoles limbs develop in response to thyroid hormone by proliferation and subsequent differentiation. We have previously reported that inhibiting the thyroid hormone action using a dominant negative receptor in limbs of developing tadpoles inhibits its growth and the tadpole limb has almost no muscle. The goal of this experiment is to study the role of thyroid hormone in the maintenance of limb muscle using transgenic tadpoles carrying a doxycyline inducible dominant negative thyroid receptor transgene expressed exclusively in the muscle using a muscle specific promoter and identify the genes involved in the degenerative process . F1 progeny of transgenic Xenopus frogs and their nontransgenic siblings (at stages NF55 and NF66) were treated with 50µg doxycycline hyclate in 0.1 X MMR solution for 2 weeks or 6 weeks to induce the over-expression of the transgene. Limbs from the tadpoles were dissected at the end of the experiment. Keywords: development or differentiation design,reference design,replicate design,time series design