Project description:Vascular cell types are under-represented in standard single-nucleus RNA-Seq studies of human frozen post-mortem brain tissue. The dataset represents the pilot data obtained with the first version of a microvessel- enrichment protocol to obtain a higher percentage of endothelial cells as the key cellular component of the blood-brain barrier.
Project description:Vascular cell types are under-represented in standard single-nucleus RNA-Seq studies of human frozen post-mortem brain tissue. Using a novel microvessel-enrichment procedure allows to obtain highly purified fractions of vascular cell types and their corresponding parenchymal fraction of the same post-mortem brain tissue sample.
Project description:SAGE analysis of genes expressed in rat brain microvessels. Keywords: Novel gene identification Microvessels were pooled from 50 rats, a single SAGE library was constructed from the microvessel RNA
Project description:Little is understood about the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms related to brain microvessel damage and glial activation after severe cerebral hypoperfusion. Efforts to explore the relationship between neuropathological and gene expression changes support a role for identifying novel molecular pathways by transcriptomic mechanisms.
Project description:We set up a pilot study using Affymetrix Gene Chip® Porcine Genome Arrays to evaluate the impact of time lags from death on gene expression profiling of porcine skeletal muscle at four post mortem time points (up to 24 hrs) during the routine processing of fresh tights Post mortem skeletal muscle samples were obtained from three commercial hybrid pigs of female sex (of about 160 kg each) raised in the same commercial farm and slaughtered under normal conditions at the same abattoir within 1 minute of each other after stunning by CO2 (concentration 87%) using a dip lift system (Butina, Denmark). A portion of semimembranosus muscle (3-5 g) was sampled from the left legs at 20 minutes (T0) after death following the normal operation of the abattoir. Other samples were collected from the same muscle at the same position after 2 (T1), 6 (T2) and 24 (T3) hrs post mortem in the same abattoir following the cold chain at the abattoir until 4 °C. After sampling, tissues were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 °C till RNA extraction.