Project description:Two Near Isogenic soybean (Glycine max) lines were grown in hydroponic conditions with either 50uM ferric nitrate or 100uM ferric nitrate. After 10 days, half the plants were harvested (total root tissue). At 12 days after planting, iron was added to plants grown in low iron conditions bringing them up to sufficient iron growth conditions. Root tissue was harvested for the remaining plants at 14 days after planting. Gene expression analysis from root tissue of two Near Isogenic Lines (NILs), Clark (PI548553) and IsoClark (PI547430), grown in iron stress or iron stress recovered conditions.
Project description:Two Near Isogenic soybean (Glycine max) lines were grown in hydroponic conditions with either 50uM ferric nitrate or 100uM ferric nitrate. After 10 days, half the plants were harvested (total root tissue). At 12 days after planting, iron was added to plants grown in low iron conditions bringing them up to sufficient iron growth conditions. Root tissue was harvested for the remaining plants at 14 days after planting. Gene expression analysis from root tissue of two Near Isogenic Lines (NILs), Clark (PI548553) and IsoClark (PI547430), grown in iron stress or iron stress recovered conditions. A total of 24 samples from four growth conditions, three biological replicates per treatment
Project description:Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Fielder) plants were grown under iron (Fe) deficient hydroponic conditions to analyise transcriptomic changes in leaf and root tissue.
Project description:The purpose of this experiment was to identify any genes differentially expressed between the Soybean Near Isogenic Lines iron efficient Clark and iron inefficient IsoClark under iron sufficient hydroponic conditions. These genes would represent constituative genetic differences between the NILs. Keywords: Near Isogenic Line Comparison of Unstressed Soybean Plants
Project description:Plants remember what they have experienced and are thereby able to confront repeated stresses more promptly and strongly. A subset of genes showed increased transcript levels under drought stress conditions, followed by a return to basal levels during recovery (watered) states, and then displayed elevated levels again under subsequent drought conditions. To screen for a set of drought stress memory genes in soybean (Glycine max L. cv. Daepoong), we designed a 180K DNA chip comprising 60-bp probes synthesized in situ to examine 55,588 loci. Through microarray analysis using the DNA chip, we identified 2,165 and 2,385 genes with more than 4-fold increases or decreases in transcript levels, respectively, under initial (first) drought stress conditions, when compared with the non-treated control. The transcript levels of the genes returned to basal levels during recovery (watered) states, then 677 and 987 genes displayed more than 16-fold elevated or reduced levels, respectively, under subsequent (second) drought conditions, when compared to the non-treated control. Gene Ontology analysis classified the drought stress memory genes into several functional categories, including those involved in trehalose biosynthesis and drought tolerance responses. We selected a number of drought stress memory genes encoding various transcription factors, protein phosphatase 2Cs, and late embryogenesis abundant proteins, and confirmed the microarray data by quantitative reverse-transcription real-time PCR. Upon repeated watering and subsequent (third) drought treatment, the elevated levels of the drought stress memory gene transcripts were propagated into newly developed second leaves, although at reduced levels when compared to the second drought treatment on the first leaves.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of rice genes analyzing the effect of knockdown of OsHRZ1 and OsHRZ2 in HRZ2i lines. NT and HRZ2i lines 1, 2 and 3 (2i-1, 2i-2 and 2i-3, respectively) were treated under iron sufficiency for 7 days (+Fe 7d) or under iron deficiency for 1 day (-Fe 1d) or 7 days (-Fe 7d) in hydroponic culture.