Project description:The goal of this study was to identify genes that are differentially expressed after genetic deletion of both alleles of the Cyp26a1 gene in murine embryonic stem cells. Cyp26a1 codes for the CYP26A1 enzyme which metabolizes RA to polar RA metabolites, such as 4-oxo-RA and 4-OH-RA. CYP26A1-/- ES cells do not metabolize RA within 48 hours of RA treatment while in Wt ES cells, polar RA metabolites are already detectable by 8 hr. In addition, the absence of CYP26A1 enzyme increases intracellular RA levels. By gene microarray analysis, we wanted to identify genes that would be affected by the lack of the Cyp26a1 gene. Experiment Overall Design: Wt and CYP26A1-/- ES cells were treated with control+LIF for 8 hours, and this was repeated 3 times. Wt and CYP26A1-/- ES cells were treated with 100 nM RA +LIF for 8 hours, and this was repeated 3 times. Wt and CYP26A1-/- ES cells were treated with 100 nM RA +LIF for 72 hours, and this was repeated 2 times.
Project description:Gene expression profile in control (shCTR) and Phf19 depleted (sh4) mouse embryonic stem cell untreated or treated 72 hr with 1 M-NM-<M retinoic acid (72 RA). 4 samples, each one contains four biological replicas, except for ES-sh4_72hr RA which contains 3 replicas
Project description:The goal of this study was to identify genes that are differentially expressed after genetic deletion of both alleles of the Cyp26a1 gene in murine embryonic stem cells. Cyp26a1 codes for the CYP26A1 enzyme which metabolizes RA to polar RA metabolites, such as 4-oxo-RA and 4-OH-RA. CYP26A1-/- ES cells do not metabolize RA within 48 hours of RA treatment while in Wt ES cells, polar RA metabolites are already detectable by 8 hr. In addition, the absence of CYP26A1 enzyme increases intracellular RA levels. By gene microarray analysis, we wanted to identify genes that would be affected by the lack of the Cyp26a1 gene. Keywords: cell type comparison, time course
Project description:Murine ES cell gene expression before RA induction are used to compare gene expression for time-points of 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 hours post-induction.
Project description:Murine ES cell gene expression before RA induction are used to compare gene expression for time-points of 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 hours post-induction. KH2 ES Cell RA Differentiation Time-course
Project description:Retinoic acid receptors (RARs) ?, ?, and ? heterodimerize with Retinoid X receptors (RXR) ?, ?, and ? and bind the cis-acting response elements known as RAREs to execute the biological functions of retinoic acid during mammalian development. RAR? mediates the anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects of retinoids in certain tissues and cancer cells, such as melanoma and neuroblastoma cells. Furthermore, ablation of RAR? enhanced the tumor incidence of Ras transformed keratinocytes and was associated with resistance to retinoid mediated growth arrest and apoptosis. We used microarray analysis to identify genes, which upon 8 or 24 hr of treatment with all-trans retinoic acid display differential expression in RAR? knockout (RAR?KO) murine embryonic stem cells relative to CCE WT cells. We demonstrate that following RA treatment the majority of inducible transcripts are present at lower levels in RAR?KO ES cells compared to WT ES cells. Murine embryonic stem cells (WT and RAR?KO) were treated with either all-trans retinoic acid (up to 24 hr) or with vehicle control (EtOH).
Project description:Study #1: U266 cells were treated with 100 nM PF477736 for 4 hr. Study #2: U266 cells were treated with 100 nM PF477736 for 16 hr. Study #3: KAS/6-1 cells were treated with 50 nM PF477736 or 300 nM CEP3891 for 2 hr.
Project description:Bone marrow was harvested from Rosa26CreER; Stk40+/+ (WT; n = 3) and Rosa26CreER; Stk40loxp/loxp (Stk40 KO; n = 3) mice and differentiated for 6 days in the presence of 100 nM 4-OHT to generate WT and Stk40 KO bone-marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs). 2. On day 7 following differentiation BMDMs were treated with 100 ng x ml-1 LPS and harvested at 0 hrs, 6 hrs, 16 hrs, and 32 hrs following LPS exposure. 3. The cells were snap-frozen at the time of harvest. RNA was extracted using the Qiagen RNeasy mini kit as per manufacturer’s protocol including the on-column DNase digestion. Groups: There are cells from 3 mice x 2 genotypes x 4 time points G1: WT 0 hr LPS G2: WT 6 hr LPS G3: WT 16 hr LPS G4: WT 32 hr LPS G5: Stk40 KO 0 hr LPS G6: Stk40 KO 6 hr LPS G7: Stk40 KO 16 hr LPS G8: Stk40 KO 32 hr LPS