Gardner2000 - genetic toggle switch in E.coli
Ontology highlight
Gardner2000 - genetic toggle switch in E.coli
The behaviour of the genetic toggle switch and the conditions for bistability has been studies using a synthetic, bistable gene circuit.
This model is described in the article:
Construction of a genetic toggle switch in Escherichia coli.
Gardner TS, Cantor CR, Collins JJ
Nature. 2000 Jan 20;403(6767):339-42.
It has been proposed' that gene-regulatory circuits with virtually any desired property can be constructed from networks of simple regulatory elements. These properties, which include multistability and oscillations, have been found in specialized gene circuits such as the bacteriophage lambda switch and the Cyanobacteria circadian oscillator. However, these behaviours have not been demonstrated in networks of non-specialized regulatory components. Here we present the construction of a genetic toggle switch-a synthetic, bistable gene-regulatory network-in Escherichia coli and provide a simple theory that predicts the conditions necessary for bistability. The toggle is constructed from any two repressible promoters arranged in a mutually inhibitory network. It is flipped between stable states using transient chemical or thermal induction and exhibits a nearly ideal switching threshold. As a practical device, the toggle switch forms a synthetic, addressable cellular memory unit and has implications for biotechnology, biocomputing and gene therapy.
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Nicolas Le Novère
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000507 | BioModels | 2024-09-02