Machado2014 - Curcumin production pathway in Escherichia coli
Ontology highlight
Machado2014 - Curcumin production pathway in
Escherichia coli
This model is described in the article:
A kinetic model for curcumin
production in Escherichia coli.
Machado D, Rodrigues LR, Rocha
BioSystems 2014 Nov; 125: 16-21
Curcumin is a natural compound obtained from turmeric, and
is well known for its pharmacological effects. In this work, we
design a heterologous pathway for industrial production of
curcumin in Escherichia coli. A kinetic model of the pathway is
then developed and connected to a kinetic model of the central
carbon metabolism of E. coli. This model is used for
optimization of the mutant strain through a rational design
approach, and two manipulation targets are identified for
overexpression. Dynamic simulations are then performed to
compare the curcumin production profiles of the different
mutant strains. Our results show that it is possible to obtain
a significant improvement in the curcumin production rates with
the proposed mutants. The kinetic model here developed can be
an important framework to optimize curcumin production at an
industrial scale and add value to its biomedical potential.
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Daniel Machado
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000565 | BioModels | 2024-09-02