Aubert2002 - Coupling between Brain
electrical activity, Metabolism and Hemodynamics
Felix Winter encoded this model in SBML
as part of his work at
This model is described in the article:
A model of the coupling
between brain electrical activity, metabolism, and
hemodynamics: application to the interpretation of functional
Aubert A, Costalat R.
Neuroimage 2002 Nov; 17(3):
In order to improve the interpretation of functional
neuroimaging data, we implemented a mathematical model of the
coupling between membrane ionic currents, energy metabolism
(i.e., ATP regeneration via phosphocreatine buffer effect,
glycolysis, and mitochondrial respiration), blood-brain barrier
exchanges, and hemodynamics. Various hypotheses were tested for
the variation of the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen
(CMRO(2)): (H1) the CMRO(2) remains at its baseline level; (H2)
the CMRO(2) is enhanced as soon as the cerebral blood flow
(CBF) increases; (H3) the CMRO(2) increase depends on
intracellular oxygen and pyruvate concentrations, and
intracellular ATP/ADP ratio; (H4) in addition to hypothesis H3,
the CMRO(2) progressively increases, due to the action of a
second messenger. A good agreement with experimental data from
magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRI and MRS) was
obtained when we simulated sustained and repetitive activation
protocols using hypotheses (H3) or (H4), rather than hypotheses
(H1) or (H2). Furthermore, by studying the effect of the
variation of some physiologically important parameters on the
time course of the modeled blood-oxygenation-level-dependent
(BOLD) signal, we were able to formulate hypotheses about the
physiological or biochemical significance of functional
magnetic resonance data, especially the poststimulus undershoot
and the baseline drift.
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