GiantsosAdams2013 - Growth of glycocalyx under static conditions
Ontology highlight
Giantsos-Adams2013 - Growth of glycocalyx
under static conditions
This model is described in the article:
Heparan Sulfate Regrowth
Profiles Under Laminar Shear Flow Following Enzymatic
Giantsos-Adams KM, Koo AJ, Song S,
Sakai J, Sankaran J, Shin JH, Garcia-Cardena G, Dewey CF.
Cell Mol Bioeng 2013 Jun; 6(2):
The local hemodynamic shear stress waveforms present in an
artery dictate the endothelial cell phenotype. The observed
decrease of the apical glycocalyx layer on the endothelium in
atheroprone regions of the circulation suggests that the
glycocalyx may have a central role in determining
atherosclerotic plaque formation. However, the kinetics for the
cells' ability to adapt its glycocalyx to the environment have
not been quantitatively resolved. Here we report that the
heparan sulfate component of the glycocalyx of HUVECs increases
by 1.4-fold following the onset of high shear stress, compared
to static cultured cells, with a time constant of 19 h.
Cell morphology experiments show that 12 h are required
for the cells to elongate, but only after 36 h have the
cells reached maximal alignment to the flow vector. Our
findings demonstrate that following enzymatic degradation,
heparan sulfate is restored to the cell surface within
12 h under flow whereas the time required is 20 h
under static conditions. We also propose a model describing the
contribution of endocytosis and exocytosis to apical heparan
sulfate expression. The change in HS regrowth kinetics from
static to high-shear EC phenotype implies a differential in the
rate of endocytic and exocytic membrane turnover.
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Kristina Giantsos-Adams
PROVIDER: BIOMD0000000830 | BioModels | 2024-09-02