Gene expression of mouse embryonic gonad [Cyp26b1]
Ontology highlight
ABSTRACT: To analyze the function of retinoic acid in the male germ cell differentiation, we performed expression microarray analysis of the Cyp26b1-/- male gonads from E12.5 to E15.5. Biological duplicates were examined at each stage and genotype for each experiment.
Project description:To identify germ cell- and somatic cell-specific gene expression profiles, we performed expression microarray analysis of the mouse gonads of the Nanos3+/-, Nanos3-/- female and male embryos from E12.5 to E15.5. Biological duplicates were examined at each stage, genotype, and sex for each experiment.
Project description:To analyze the function of retinoic acid and Stra8 in the male germ cell differentiation, we performed expression microarray analysis of the Cyp26b1-/-/Stra8-/- male gonads at E14.5. Biological duplicates were examined at each genotype for each experiment.
Project description:To analyze the gene expression profiles of the developing embryonic male gonad, we performed expression microarray analysis of the wild type male gonads from E12.5 to E15.5. Biological duplicates were examined at each stage for each experiment.
Project description:To examine whether the meiosis was solo factor responsible for the disruption of the male gonocyte differenitiation in the Nanos2-/- male germ cells, we deleted Stra8 function from Nanos2-null background and performed expression microarray analysis of the Nanos2+/-/Stra8+/- , Nanos2-/-/Stra8+/-, and Nanos2-/-/Stra8-/- male emnbryonic gonads at E14.5. Biological duplicates were examined at each stage, genotype, and sex for each experiment.
Project description:To elucidate the function of NANOS2 to regulate the transcriptome in embryonic male germ cells, we performed expression microarray analysis of the embyornic gonads of the Nanos2+/-, Nanos2-/- male and wild type female from E12.5 to E15.5. The Nanos2+/- and Nanos2-/- female gonads at E15.5 were analyzed as a negative control. Biological duplicates were examined at each stage, genotype, and sex for each experiment.
Project description:To identify Nanos2-associated mRNAs, we performed microarray analysis of mRNAs coprecipitated with FLAG-tagged NANOS2 with male gonad from Tg-Nanos2 enhancer-3xFLAG-Nanos2-3'UTR at E14.5. Biological duplicates were examined at each sample.
Project description:In order to investigate the molecular mechanisms activated by deleterious BRCA1 variants in yeast, the RNA obtained from yeast cells transformed with five variants exhibiting a phenotypic effect, either on proliferation and/or on HR was hybridized on microarrays in comparison with the RNA from cells transformed with wild-type BRCA1
Project description:A series of dual-channel gene expression profiles obtained using Rosetta/Agilent Whole Mouse Genome oligonucleotide microarrays, 4 x 44K format, was used to identify sex-dependent and HNF4alpha-dependent differences in gene expression in adult mouse liver. This series is comprised of four sex-genotype combinations: adult male wild-type liver (M-WT), adult female wild-type liver (F-WT), adult male liver-specific HNF4alpha knockout liver (M-KO) and adult female liver-specific HNF4alpha knockout liver (F-KO). Four pools, each comprised of 4 randomly selected individual liver RNAs, were prepared for each sex-genotype combination. The pools were paired randomly to generate 4 separate experimental comparisons: M-WT:F-WT (first array comparison), M-WT:M-KO (second array comparison), F-WT:F-KO (third array comparison), and M-KO:F-KO (fourth array comparison). A total of 4994 HNF4alpha-dependent genes were identified, of which ~1000 fewer genes responded to the loss of HNF4alpha in female liver as compared to male liver. Moreover, 90% of the genes showing sex-specific expression in the liver were shown to lose sex specificity in HNF4alpha-deficient liver. Experiment Overall Design: An Alexa555-labeled cDNA sample is co-hybridized with an Alexa647-labeled cDNA sample. The samples are then dye-swapped and compared again on a second microarray chip. Together, these two mixed cDNA samples are considered a fluorescent reverse pair (dye swap). Similarly, a second fluorescent reverse pair is generated and the two pairs are averaged. The normalized expression ratio for each array is reported along with the two separate intensities. In this way, dye swaps were carried out for each of the four experimental comparisons. Thus, four microarrays, one for each mixed cDNA sample, were hybridized for each of the four fluorescent reverse pairs, giving a total of 16 microarrays.