Project description:We investigated the gene expression of the human CPE.We isolated CPE cells from healthy human donor choroid plexus tissues with laser dissection microscopy. Next, we performed RNA isolation, amplification, labeling and hybridization against 44k Agilent microarrays. We performed the microarrays against a common reference sample, namely human RPE/choroid RNA. We performed 7 replicates of human CPE samples from 7 different donors.
Project description:We investigated the gene expression of the mouse CPE. We isolated CPE cells from three mouse brains with laser dissection microscopy. Next, we performed RNA isolation, amplification, labeling and hybridization against 44k Agilent microarrays. We performed the microarrays against a common reference sample, which was mouse RPE/choroid RNA. We performed 3 mouse CPE replicates from 3 different mouse from the same strain, namely C57BL/6 .
Project description:We investigated the gene expression of the human TM. We isolated TM cells from healthy human donor eyes. Next, we performed RNA isolation, amplification, labeling and hybridization against 44k Agilent microarrays. We performed the microarrays against a common reference sample, namely human RPE/choroid RNA. We performed 2 replicates of human TM samples from 2 different donors.
Project description:The ciliary body (CB) of the human eye consists of the non-pigmented (NPE) and pigmented (PE) neuro-epithelia. We investigated the gene expression of the NPE and PE, to shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the most important functions of the CB. Therefore we isolated NPE and PE cells from seven healthy human donor eyes using laser dissection microscopy. Next, we performed RNA isolation, amplification, labeling and hybridization against 44k Agilent microarrays. We performed the microarrays against a common reference sample, namely human RPE/choroid RNA. We performed 7 replicates of PE samples from 7 different donors and 7 NPE replicates from the same 7 different donors.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of mouse cerebellar extract comparing SCA7 KI mice with wild type mice. Female mice were killed by decapitation on post natal days 10 and 22 and 11 weeks. Goal was to determine gene expression profiles differing between SCA7 KI mice and wild-type mice during post-natal developement of the cerebellum. Gene expression profiling was performed using RNA extracted from the cerebellum of KI and WT mice at P10 (5 WT and 5 KI), P22 (5 WT and 4 KI) and 11 wks (5WT and 6 KI). After labeling, RNAs were hybridized on dual-label G4122F AgilentM-BM-. chips; a mix of all P10 samples was used as common reference (green channel). Quality control included visual control of the reconstructed image of the chip, M/A plot, corner intensities, outliers, positive and negative intensities, normalization factors. Normalization and statistical analyses were carried out by using BRB-array Tools developed by Dr. Richard Simon and the BRB-ArrayTools development team (Biometrics Research Branch, Genes with less than 50% present calls or with low variability along the arrays (less than 20% of values with at least 2-fold change in either direction from the geneM-bM-^@M-^Ys median value) were excluded from further analysis. For the 1905 remaining probes an interaction between time and genotype was analyzed by regression analysis of the time course of expression. In brief, probes for which variation over time differed for the genotype class were fitted to the following model: log expression ~ time + time**2 + genotype + genotype*time + genotype*time**2. A univiariate p-value < 0.001 (random variance model) was set for significant probes (genotype*time + genotype*time**2) and a False Discovery Rate (FDR) was calculated for each probe (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995). Differences in profiles were identified with a Self Organisation Tree Algorithm (MultiplExperiment Viewer (MeV), (Saeed et al, 2006). Expression values were averaged by group and then clustered according to their profile as a function of time.
Project description:They aim of the study is to identify targets of Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) as well as signaling cascades that are affected by CPE which are specific for transmitting its anti-migratory effects in glioma cells by overexpressing CPE and using transcriptomics profiling of mRNAs and microRNAs.
Project description:They aim of the study is to identify targets of Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) as well as signaling cascades that are affected by CPE which are specific for transmitting its anti-migratory effects in glioma cells by overexpressing CPE and using transcriptomics profiling of mRNAs and microRNAs.