Project description:Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) has been gaining momentum in recent years, especially since the introduction of direct electron detectors, improved automated acquisition strategies, preparative techniques that expand the possibilities of what the electron microscope can image at high-resolution using cryo-ET and new subtomogram averaging software. Additionally, data acquisition has become increasingly streamlined, making it more accessible to many users. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has further accelerated remote cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) data collection, especially for single-particle cryo-EM, in many facilities globally, providing uninterrupted user access to state-of-the-art instruments during the pandemic. With the recent advances in Tomo5 (software for 3D electron tomography), remote cryo-ET data collection has become robust and easy to handle from anywhere in the world. This article aims to provide a detailed walk-through, starting from the data collection setup in the tomography software for the process of a (remote) cryo-ET data collection session with detailed troubleshooting. The (remote) data collection protocol is further complemented with the workflow for structure determination at near-atomic resolution by subtomogram averaging with emClarity, using apoferritin as an example.
Project description:The power of cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) lies in its capability to characterize macromolecules in their cellular context. Structure determination by cryoET, however, is time-consuming compared to single particle approaches. A recent study reported significant acceleration of data acquisition by a fast-incremental single-exposure (FISE) tilt series scheme. Here we improved the method and evaluated its efficiency and performance. We show that (1) FISE combined with the latest generation of direct electron detectors speeds up collection considerably, (2) previous generation (pre-2017) double-tilt axis Titan Krios holders are also suitable for FISE data acquisition, (3) x, y and z-specimen shifts can be compensated for, and (4) FISE tilt series data can generate averages of sub-nanometer resolution. These advances will allow for a widespread adoption of cryoET for high-throughput in situ studies and high-resolution structure determination across different biological research disciplines.
Project description:Cryogenic electron tomography (cryo-ET) has rapidly advanced as a high-resolution imaging tool for visualizing subcellular structures in 3D with molecular detail. Direct image inspection remains challenging due to inherent low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). We introduce CryoSamba, a self-supervised deep learning-based model designed for denoising cryo-ET images. CryoSamba enhances single consecutive 2D planes in tomograms by averaging motion-compensated nearby planes through deep learning interpolation, effectively mimicking increased exposure. This approach amplifies coherent signals and reduces high-frequency noise, substantially improving tomogram contrast and SNR. CryoSamba operates on 3D volumes without needing pre-recorded images, synthetic data, labels or annotations, noise models, or paired volumes. CryoSamba suppresses high-frequency information less aggressively than do existing cryo-ET denoising methods, while retaining real information, as shown both by visual inspection and by Fourier shell correlation analysis of icosahedrally symmetric virus particles. Thus, CryoSamba enhances the analytical pipeline for direct 3D tomogram visual interpretation.
Project description:Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) provides three-dimensional (3D) structural information of bacteria preserved in a native, frozen-hydrated state. The typical low contrast of tilt-series images, a result of both the need for a low electron dose and the use of conventional defocus phase-contrast imaging, is a challenge for high-quality tomograms. We show that Zernike phase-contrast imaging allows the electron dose to be reduced. This limits movement of gold fiducials during the tilt series, which leads to better alignment and a higher-resolution reconstruction. Contrast is also enhanced, improving visibility of weak features. The reduced electron dose also means that more images at more tilt angles could be recorded, further increasing resolution.
Project description:Cryo-electron tomography (CET) is a well-established technique for imaging cellular and molecular structures at sub-nanometer resolution. As the method is limited to samples that are thinner than 500 nm, suitable sample preparation is required to attain CET data from larger cell volumes. Recently, cryo-focused ion beam (cryo-FIB) milling of plunge-frozen biological material has been shown to reproducibly yield large, homogeneously thin, distortion-free vitreous cross-sections for state-of-the-art CET. All eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells that can be plunge-frozen can be thinned with the cryo-FIB technique. Together with advances in low-dose microscopy, this has shifted the frontiers of in situ structural biology. In this protocol we describe the typical steps of the cryo-FIB technique, starting with fully grown cell cultures. Three recently investigated biological samples are given as examples.
Project description:Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) has enabled high resolution three-dimensional(3D) structural analysis of virus and host cell interactions and many cell signaling events; these studies, however, have largely been limited to very thin, peripheral regions of eukaryotic cells or to small prokaryotic cells. Recent efforts to make thin, vitreous sections using cryo-ultramicrotomy have been successful, however,this method is technically very challenging and with many artifacts. Here, we report a simple and robust method for creating in situ, frozen-hydrated cell lamellas using a focused ion beam at cryogenic temperature (cryo-FIB), allowing access to any interior cellular regions of interest. We demonstrate the utility of cryo-FIB with high resolution 3D cellular structures from both bacterial cells and large mammalian cells. The method will not only facilitate high-throughput 3D structural analysis of biological specimens, but is also broadly applicable to sample preparation of thin films and surface materials without the need for FIB "lift-out".
Project description:The combination of cryo-microscopy and electron tomographic reconstruction has allowed us to determine the structure of one of the more complex viruses, intracellular mature vaccinia virus, at a resolution of 4-6 nm. The tomographic reconstruction allows us to dissect the different structural components of the viral particle, avoiding projection artifacts derived from previous microscopic observations. A surface-rendering representation revealed brick-shaped viral particles with slightly rounded edges and dimensions of approximately 360 x 270 x 250 nm. The outer layer was consistent with a lipid membrane (5-6 nm thick), below which usually two lateral bodies were found, built up by a heterogeneous material without apparent ordering or repetitive features. The internal core presented an inner cavity with electron dense coils of presumptive DNA-protein complexes, together with areas of very low density. The core was surrounded by two layers comprising an overall thickness of approximately 18-19 nm; the inner layer was consistent with a lipid membrane. The outer layer was discontinuous, formed by a periodic palisade built by the side interaction of T-shaped protein spikes that were anchored in the lower membrane and were arranged into small hexagonal crystallites. It was possible to detect a few pore-like structures that communicated the inner side of the core with the region outside the layer built by the T-shaped spike palisade.