Project description:Transcription analysis of M. tuberculosis H37Ra devR overexpressing strain (LIX48) versus empty vector control strain (LIX47); H37Rv devR overexpressing strain t (LIX50) versus empty vector control strain (LIX49) to study the effect of DevR overexpression
Project description:Agilent 4x44k tobacco micro array of wild type tobacco, empty vector control, and HC-Pro transgenic tobacco plants. Both 1-month old leaves and flowers were analyzed. Three biological replicates were performed of each sample.
Project description:human bronchial smooth muscle cells were either infected with empty adenoviral type 5 vector at 40 MOI for 4 days, or Mock infected. Each sample set was then stimulated with a mixture of 10ng/mL IL-1beta, TNF-alfa, and gamma-IFN for 20 hours prior to RNA harvest. RNA samples were split, and the series consists of 3 slides, 2 of which are dye flipped. Keywords: parallel sample
Project description:RNA from murine mammary C57MG cells transfected with an empty control vector (PLNCx) or an expression vector encoding Wnt-1 was isolated and analyzed on Affymetrix MG-U74Av2 arrays. Sample preparation was done as recommended by the manufacturer. Images were analyzed using Affymetrix Microarray Suite 4.0 software. Comparison of Wnt-1 expressing and control cells revealed Wnt-1 targets. Keywords: ordered
Project description:rs08-02_nad. Dark and light. Establish which transcripts are affected by changes in NAD concentration, and whether this depends on light/dark. Three genotypes: Two lines of Arabidopsis transformed to overexpress QPRT, an enzyme involved in NAD synthesis (NadC4.11 and NadC15.3) and a third control line transformed with an empty vector (162). Leaf discs from the two lines of the QPRT+ plants were incubated with quinolinate, the QPRT substrate, to boost leaf NAD. Discs from the empty vector control were incubated on a buffer withour quinolinate. The experiment was performed in the light and the dark. The aim is to compare the QPRT+ quinolinate samples with the empty vector samples, both for the sample series generated in the light and that generated in the dark. Keywords: treated vs untreated comparison
Project description:- Identification of proteins whose expression was affected by lcrX knockout and LcrX-overexpressing strains in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines str. 8ra - Shotgun proteomic analysis was used - Four strains were used with three biological replicates (total 12 samples). Two samples are the wildtype strains carrying an empty vector: One (XagW+V) for comparison with lcrX-KO strain and the other (XagW_V) for comparison with LcrX-overexpressing strain. The third sample is lcrX-KO strain (Xag2894KO). The last sample is LcrX-overexpressing strain (Xag2894OE).
Project description:RNA-Seq profiling of estrogen-receptor-positive MCF-7 cell lines with different perturbations of non-canonical WNT signaling . The MCF-7 cells were either transfected with an empty vector (pcDNA) or with a ROR2 overexpression construct, in parallel with or without stimulation with recombinant WNT5A. The objective was to find expression-responsive targets of these perturbations as potential drivers of increased cell invasiveness.