Project description:Top-down proteomics of venom protein of venom-gland organoids aspidelaps. Samples were extracted with MilliQ water and proteins reduced with TCEP before top-down LC-MS/MS analysis.
Project description:Top-down proteomics of venom protein of venom-gland organoids aspidelaps. Samples were extracted with MilliQ water and proteins reduced with TCEP before top-down LC-MS/MS analysis.
Run 2
Project description:Venom proteomics analysis of Walterinnesia aegyptia and Walterinnesia morgani. For top-down analysis, venom samples were reduced with TCEP and measured via HPLC-MS/MS (Q-Exactive and LTQ-Orbitrap XL).
Project description:Top-down and bottom-up protein analysis of venom and saliva of solenodon. Venom and saliva was separated by HPLC and either directly analysis by HR FT MS/MS (Top-down) or further decomplexed by SDS-PAGE followed by in-gel trypsine digestion and HR LC-MS/MS analysis (bottom-up, Venom only). For shotgun bottom-up comparison of venom and saliva proteins, samples were directly reduced, alkylated, digested with trypsin and measured by HPLC-MS/MS. Additional bottom-up analysis was performed from bioactivity guided fractionation experiments.
Project description:Top-down Proteomics of Venom from Naja haje from the Berlin Zoo. 4 technical replicates from TCEP reduced crude venom and 1 replicate from native venom.
Project description:Diachasmimorpha longicaudata parasitoid wasps carry a symbiotic poxvirus, known as DlEPV, within the female wasp venom gland. We sequenced RNA from venom gland tissue to identify DlEPV orthologs for 3 conserved poxvirus core genes. The DlEPV ORFs identified from this transcriptome were used to design primers for downstream RT-qPCR analysis and RNAi knockdown experiments.
Project description:Both single cell and bulk RNA sequencing was performed on expanding or differentiating snake venom gland organoids (from Aspidelaps Lubricus Cowlesi and Naja Nivea), or tissue (Aspidelaps Lubricus Cowlesi). Bulk RNA sequencing from the snake venom gland, liver and pancreas was performed to construct a de novo transcriptome using Trinity.