Ontology highlight
INSTRUMENT(S): LTQ Orbitrap Velos
ORGANISM(S): Homo Sapiens (ncbitaxon:9606)
SUBMITTER: Micha? Dadlez
PROVIDER: MSV000082886 | MassIVE |
Kistowski Michał M Dębski Janusz J Karczmarski Jakub J Paziewska Agnieszka A Olędzki Jacek J Mikula Michał M Ostrowski Jerzy J Dadlez Michał M
Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP 20161207 2
Proteolytic cascades are deeply involved in critical stages of cancer progression. During the course of peptide-wise analysis of shotgun proteomic data sets representative of colon adenocarcinoma (AC) and ulcerative colitis (UC), we detected a cancer-specific proteolytic fingerprint composed of a set of numerous protein fragments cleaved C-terminally to V, I, A, T, or C residues, significantly overrepresented in AC. A peptide set linked by a common VIATC cleavage consensus was the only prominent ...[more]