Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Yarrowia lipolytica Y4184 snf1 mutant, compared to the Y4184U+. The Y4184 is an engineered strain to produce eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) via expression of a Δ9 elongase/Δ8 desaturase pathway, and is derived from Yarrowia lipolytica ATCC#20362.
Project description:The aerobic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is an established model organism to study mitochondrial protein complexes. Here we performed a complexome analysis of intact mitochondria to study the function of NDUFAF1 in the assembly of respiratory complex I. In the ndufaf1 deletion strain the PD module of the membrane arm accumulated but mature complex I was virtually absent.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Yarrowia lipolytica Y4184 snf1 mutant, compared to the Y4184U+. The Y4184 is an engineered strain to produce eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) via expression of a M-NM-^T9 elongase/M-NM-^T8 desaturase pathway, and is derived from Yarrowia lipolytica ATCC#20362. A six chip study using total RNA recovered from three separate cultures of Yarrowia lipolytica Y4184Ura+ strains and three separate cultures of Y4184 snf1 mutant strains in which YlSNF1 gene is deleted entirely. Each chip measures the expression level of 6708 genes from Yarrowia lipolytica ATCC#20362 with fourteen 24-mer probe pairs (PM/MM) per gene, with three-fold technical redundancy.
Project description:Time-course transcriptomic profilling of the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, during a controlled fed-batch. A nitrogen limitation was applied during the course of the fed-batch to initiate de novo biolipid synthesis.
Project description:The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica Y-2 shown the capability to degrade OTA by the intracellular enzymes. However, the enzymes which risponsible for the degradation process was unkonown. Transcriptome change in response to mycotoxin OTA was analyzed. The molecular mechanism of Yarrowia lipolytica Y-2 withstand OTA was revealed.
Project description:Total RNA versus genomic DNA hybridization on custom arrays designed for all Yarrowia lipolytica genes Total RNA was collected in mid-log phase from Yarrowia lipolytica cells grown in rich medium (abbreviated CM, in house recipe). RNA was then converted to cDNA, Cy3-labeled and hybridized competitively against Cy5 labeled genomic DNA from Yarrowia lipolytica.
Project description:Second part of the time-course transcriptomic profilling of the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, obtained during a controlled decellerostat (D-stat) setup. A nitrogen limitation was applied during the course of the D-stat to initiate and control de novo biolipid synthesis. Yarrowia lipolytica Agilent microarray, one-color staining. Each time sample was spotted in triplicate (except for sample 26, for which a technical replicate of replicate r1 was performed).