Project description:Transcriptional profiling of methanotrophic bacteria (pmoA gene) in methane oxidation biocover soil by depth Three-different depth condition in methane oxidation biocover soil: top, middle and botton layer soil: genomic DNA extract. Three replicate per array.
Project description:We present the draft genome of Nitrospirae bacterium Nbg-4 as a representative of this clade and couple this to in situ protein expression under sulfate-enriched and sulfate-depleted conditions in rice paddy soil. The proteins were extracted from the soil and analysed via LC-MS/MS measurements.
Project description:Contaminated aquifer (Dusseldorf-Flinger, Germany) templates extracted from 5 sediment depths ranging between 6.4 and 8.4 m below ground and over 3 years of sampling were amplified for amplicon pyrosequencing using the primers Ba27f (5’-aga gtt tga tcm tgg ctc ag-3’) and Ba519r (5’- tat tac cgc ggc kgc tg-3’), extended as amplicon fusion primers with respective primer A or B adapters, key sequence and multiplex identifiers (MID) as recommended by 454/Roche. Amplicons were purified and pooled as specified by the manufacturer. Emulsion PCR (emPCR), purification of DNA-enriched beads and sequencing run were performed following protocols and using a 2nd generation pyrosequencer (454 GS FLX Titanium, Roche) as recommended by the developer. Quality filtering of the pyrosequencing reads was performed using the automatic amplicon pipeline of the GS Run Processor (Roche), with a slight modification concerning the valley filter (vfScanAllFlows false instead of TiOnly) to extract the sequences. Demultiplexed raw reads were furhter trimmed for quality and lenght (>250 bp).
Project description:Microbes play key roles in diverse biogeochemical processes including nutrient cycling. However, responses of soil microbial community at the functional gene level to long-term fertilization, especially integrated fertilization (chemical combined with organic fertilization) remain unclear. Here we used microarray-based GeoChip techniques to explore the shifts of soil microbial functional community in a nutrient-poor paddy soil with long-term (21 years).The long-term fertilization experiment site (set up in 1990) was located in Taoyuan agro-ecosystem research station (28°55’N, 111°27’E), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hunan Province, China, with a double-cropped rice system. fertilization at various regimes.