Project description:Iso-Seq (PacBio) sequencing was performed to generate a reference library of H. perforatum. We generated genome-wide transcriptome data from in vitro cell suspensions and shoot cultures of H. perforatum.
Project description:Full-Length cDNA transcriptome (Iso-Seq) data sequenced on the PacBio Sequel system using 2.1 chemistry. Multiplexed cDNA library of 12 samples (3 tissues x 4 strains). Tissues: root, embryo, endosperm. Strains: B73, Ki11, B73xKi11, Ki11xB73.
Project description:<div>Olive (<i>Olea europaea</i>) has a long history of medicinal and nutritional values own to it rich in polyphenol and fatty acids (FAs) in fruits. In order to better understand the biosynthesis important of these metabolites, we generated comprehensive Iso-Seq full-length and illumina RNA-seq transcriptome, and targeted metabolomics dataset of different olive fruits maturity. The targeted metabolomics by using both GC/MS and LC/MS were totally quantified 35 FAs and 13 polyphenols. Iso-Seq library was constructed and sequenced by PacBio Sequel System, and a total of 5,891,652 (10.55 G) with an average length of 1,791 subreads were obtained. 492,350 circular consensus sequences (CCSs) were formed after merging and error correction through subread comparison. Of the 492,350 CCSs, 399,263 were found to be full-length non chimera (FLNC) reads, and 187,517 consensus reads were finally obtained by using clustering algorithm of Iterative clustering for error (IEC). These multiomics data provide a foundation to elucidate the mechanisms regulating biosynthesis of polyphenol and FAs during the maturation of olive fruits.</div><div><b><br></b></div><div><b>Polyphenols UPLC-MS</b> protocols and data are reported in the current study <b>MTBLS814</b>.</div><div><br></div><div><b>GC-MS</b> protocols and data associated to this study are reported in <b><a href="">MTBLS855</a></b>.</div><div><br></div><div><span _ngcontent-iov-c3="" class="ng-star-inserted"><b>Tyrosol only UPLC-MS</b> <span _ngcontent-iov-c3="" class="ng-star-inserted">protocols and data associated to this study are reported in <b><a href="">MTBLS1127</a>.</b></span></span></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
Project description:<div>Olive (Olea europaea) has a long history of medicinal and nutritional values own to it rich in polyphenol and fatty acids (FAs) in fruits. In order to better understand the biosynthesis important of these metabolites, we generated comprehensive Iso-Seq full-length and illumina RNA-seq transcriptome, and targeted metabolomics dataset of different olive fruits maturity. The targeted metabolomics by using both GC/MS and LC/MS were totally quantified 35 FAs and 13 polyphenols. Iso-Seq library was constructed and sequenced by PacBio Sequel System, and a total of 5,891,652 (10.55 G) with an average length of 1,791 subreads were obtained. 492,350 circular consensus sequences (CCSs) were formed after merging and error correction through subread comparison. Of the 492,350 CCSs, 399,263 were found to be full-length non chimera (FLNC) reads, and 187,517 consensus reads were finally obtained by using clustering algorithm of Iterative clustering for error (IEC). These multiomics data provide a foundation to elucidate the mechanisms regulating biosynthesis of polyphenol and FAs during the maturation of olive fruits.</div><div><br></div><div><div><b>GC-MS</b> protocols and data are reported in the current study <b>MTBLS855</b>.</div><div><br></div><div><span _ngcontent-jcp-c3="" class="ng-star-inserted"><b>Polyphenols UPLC-MS</b></span> protocols and data associated to this study are reported in <b><a href="">MTBLS814</a></b>.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Tyrosol only UPLC-MS</b> <span _ngcontent-iov-c3="" class="ng-star-inserted">protocols and data associated to this study are reported in <b><a href=""><a href="">MTBLS1127</a>.</a></b></span></div></div>
Project description:Here we describe CapTrap-Seq, an experimental workflow designed to address the problem of reduced transcript end detection by long-read RNA sequencing methods, especially at the 5' ends. We apply CapTrap-Seq to profile transcriptomes of the human heart and brain and we compared the obtained results with other library preparation approaches. CapTrap-Seq is a platform-agnostic method and here tested the method by using 3 different long-read sequencing platforms: MinION (ONT), Sequel (PacBaio) and Sequel II (PacBio).
Project description:Long-read sequencing technologies such as Iso-Seq (PacBio Inc.) generate highly accurate sequences of full-length mRNA transcript isoforms. Long-read transcriptomics may be especially useful in the context of lymphocyte functional plasticity as it relates to human health and disease. However, no long-read isoform-aware reference transcriptomes of human circulating lymphocytes seem to be publicly available despite being valuable as benchmarks in a variety of transcriptomic studies. To begin to fill this gap, we purified four lymphocyte subsets (CD4 T, CD8 T, NK, and Pan B cells) from the peripheral blood of a healthy male donor and obtained high-quality RNA (RIN>8) for PacBio Iso-Seq analysis and parallel RNA-Seq analysis.
Project description:Long-read sequencing technologies such as Iso-Seq (PacBio Inc.) generate highly accurate sequences of full-length mRNA transcript isoforms. Long-read transcriptomics may be especially useful in the context of lymphocyte functional plasticity as it relates to human health and disease. However, no long-read isoform-aware reference transcriptomes of human circulating lymphocytes seem to be publicly available despite being valuable as benchmarks in a variety of transcriptomic studies. To begin to fill this gap, we purified four lymphocyte subsets (CD4 T, CD8 T, NK, and Pan B cells) from the peripheral blood of a healthy male donor and obtained high-quality RNA (RIN>8) for PacBio Iso-Seq analysis and parallel RNA-Seq analysis.
Project description:The testis and epididymis tissues collected from 12-month-old adult BMI boars were carried out PacBio Iso-Seq sequencing and Illumina RNA-seq sequencing. The full-length isoforms, extensive alternative splicing events, lncRNAs, some genes and novel isoforms related to spermatogenesis were evaluated.