Project description:This project analyzes peripheral blood profiles of controls and patients of 14 different diseases, all collected, measured, and analyzed using exactly the same SoP. Since miRNAs are known to be valuable diagnostic markers we asked whether respective patterns of patients can be detected in peripheral blood samples rather than in biopsies. The project aimed at an impoved understanding of complex profiles rather than single markers. Thus, a high-throughput technique was necessary, profiling all known miRNAs integratively and combining different diseases to achieve a high degree of specificity.
Project description:Genome scale characterization of chromatin modification, RNA expression, and cytosine methylation in a diverse panel of primary human cells and tissues, stem cells, and iPS cells derived from deidentified human subjects **************** For data usage terms and conditions, please refer to: **************** BI Human Reference Epigenome Mapping Project - samples and experiments will continue to be added to this study over the course of the project. EDACC Genboree Page:
Project description:The Russian part of C-HPP is aimed to identify proteins encoded by the 18 human chromosome. In this project, 3 liver tissue samples were studied by standart Shotgun and 2 dimensional liquid chromatography approach to enhance the sensitivity of the MS method. The total amount of proteins found in samples is 5022 and the proteins encoded by the 18 human chromosome is 64.
Project description:The Russian part of C-HPP is aimed to identify proteins encoded by the 18 human chromosome. In this project, 3 liver tissue samples were studied by standart SRM and 2 dimensional liquid chromatography approach to enhance the sensitivity of the MS method. The total amount of proteins found in samples encoded by the 18 human chromosome is 118. UPS1 used as calibration and to measure the sensitivity of SRM method.
Project description:Analysis of steady-state mRNA levels in whole blood of euploid controls and subjects with trisomy 21. This dataset is part of the Human Trisome Project run by the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.
Project description:This series represents the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project SAGE library collection. Libraries contained herein were either produced through CGAP funding, or donated to CGAP. The Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP: is an interdisciplinary program established and administered by the National Cancer Institute (NCI: to generate the information and technological tools needed to decipher the molecular anatomy of the cancer cell. SAGE libraries are named according to the following convention: * SAGE_Organ_histology_code_unique identifier, e.g., SAGE_Colon_adenocarcinoma_CL_Caco2 * Codes: B = bulk; CL = cell line; CS = short-term cell culture; MD = micro-dissected; AP = antibody purified.