Project description:We purified two populations of human ileal enteroendocrine cells (Venus+ and Venus-) from mature differentiated hGLU-Venus organoids by FACS and identified transcripts enriched in endocrine cell lineages.
Project description:We purified two populations of human duodenal MLN-expressing enteroendocrine cells (Venus+ and Venus-) from mature differentiated hMLN-Venus organoids by FACS and identified transcripts enriched in endocrine cell lineages.
Project description:A human organoid culture system was set up to grow enteroendocrine cells with a venus labeled on the glucagon gene promoter sequence. This enabled the sorting of glucagon gene positive cells from negative cells, thereby enabling the enrichment of glucagon producing cells for study. Both Venus positive and venus negative cell populations were collected and their peptidome was assessed using nano LC-MS/MS
Project description:To understand the molecular mechanism by which regulate skeletal development, we attempted to identify transcription factors that were highly expressed in developing cartilage during the embryonic stage. Col2a1-Venus-Tg mice in which chondrocytes were fluorescently labelled with the GFP-modified Venus gene. We purified total RNA from Venus-negative and Venus-positive cells and performed microarray analysis using an Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array.
Project description:We used a mouse strain in which one Tbx3 gene was replaced with the yellow fluorescent protein variant Venus. Luminal cells had either very high Tbx3 promoter activity or not at all. We performed an expression analysis on luminal mammary epithelial cells sorted based on their Venus expression (reporting Tbx3 promoter activity) to investigate the difference between these two cell populations. Mammary epithelial cells from 3 Tbx3-Venus-KI adult virgin female mice (FVB background) were pooled and luminal cells were sorted into a Venus-hi and a Venus-neg sample. There were no repeats for this study.
Project description:Comparison of the transcriptional profile of cells expressing FOXF1::VENUS and/or FLK1 in E7.5 mouse embryos carrying a foxf1::venus knock-in allele
Project description:We used embryonic day 15 submandibular salivary glands from K5-Venus mice, which were produced using the bovine-K5 promoter driving Venus expression, N=3 separate experiments
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of partially degraded and fragmented RNA samples from hiPSCs-derived MNs with Venus or Fos-B + Venus expression by lentivirus infection Fos-B could had a function on axon branching with hiPSCs-derived MNs. However, the grobal profiling under Fos-B expression was not fully elucidated. Thus, we constructed Venus or Fos-B + Venus expression lentivirus and subsequently infected those virus to hiPSCs-derived MNs. Increasing number of axon branching was detected with Fos-B expression MNs, and we demonstrated the pathological confirmation of true exon level expression profiling approach with Fos-B expressed MNs.