Project description:Investigating alterations the intestinal microbiome in a diet induced obesity (DIO) rat model after fecal transplant from rats, which underwent Roux-Y-Gastric-Bypass surgery (RYGB). The microbiomes of the RYGB-donor rats, the DIO rats, and DIO rats after receiving the fecal transplant from the RYGB rats. As controls lean rats as well as lean, RYGB and DIO rats after antibiotics treatment were used.
Project description:Microbial RNAseq analysis of cecal and fecal samples collected from mice colonized with the microbiota of human twins discordant for obesity. Samples were colleted at the time of sacrifice, or 15 days after colonization from mice gavaged with uncultured or cultured fecal microbiota from the lean twins or their obese co-twins. Samples were sequenced using Illumina HiSeq technology, with 101 paired end chemistry. Comparisson of microbial gene expression between the microbiota of lean and obese twins fed a Low fat, rich in plant polysaccharide diet.