Project description:One lung tumor and its adjacent normal were profiled for copy-number alterations with the high-resolution Affymetrix SNP6.0 Array. The SRA ID for the high throughput sequencing project will accompany our study is SRP002045.
Project description:One lung tumor and its adjacent normal were profiled for copy-number alterations with the high-resolution Affymetrix SNP6.0 Array. The SRA ID for the high throughput sequencing project will accompany our study is SRP002045. One lung tumor sample and an adjacent normal sample were assayed on the Affymetrix SNP6.0 array.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE20574: Agilent 244A aCGH array for comparison of lung tumor CNA to high-throughput sequencing data GSE20578: Assessment of mutation on expression levels GSE20584: Affymetrix SNP6.0 array for comparison of lung tumor and adjacent normal to high-throughput sequencing data Refer to individual Series
Project description:One lung tumor and its adjacent normal were profiled for expression levels with the Affymetrix HGU133 plus 2.0 array. One lung tumor sample and its adjacent normal were assayed on the Affymetrix HG-U133 plus 2.0 array to assess the effects of mutation on expression.
Project description:We performed a comparison analysis of the Affymetrix arrays SNP6.0 genome wide array (SNP6.0) and cytogenetic 2.7M whole-genome array (Cyto2.7M) using nine human samples. We compared the two array types with respect to four parameters including the size and breakpoints of the alterations detected, the actual CN assigned to the CNVs as well as long stretches of loss of heterozygosity. Overall, we found very good consistency between the two types of array on all parameters compared, even in regions with very complex changes. This GEO submission contains the Cyto2.7M data. GEO submission, GSE37977 contains the SNP6.0 data.
Project description:We performed a comparison analysis of the Affymetrix arrays SNP6.0 genome wide array (SNP6.0) and cytogenetic 2.7M whole-genome array (Cyto2.7M) using nine human samples. We compared the two array types with respect to four parameters including the size and breakpoints of the alterations detected, the actual CN assigned to the CNVs as well as long stretches of loss of heterozygosity. Overall, we found very good consistency between the two types of array on all parameters compared, even in regions with very complex changes. This GEO submission contains the SNP6.0 data. GEO submission, GSE37978 contains the Cyto2.7M data.
Project description:We performed a comparison analysis of the Affymetrix arrays SNP6.0 genome wide array (SNP6.0) and cytogenetic 2.7M whole-genome array (Cyto2.7M) using nine human samples. We compared the two array types with respect to four parameters including the size and breakpoints of the alterations detected, the actual CN assigned to the CNVs as well as long stretches of loss of heterozygosity. Overall, we found very good consistency between the two types of array on all parameters compared, even in regions with very complex changes. This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Project description:To evaluate the molecular changes of lung malignancy in HIV infection, we analyzed the differential gene expression profiles and screened the early detection biomarkers of HIV-associated lung cancer using Affymetrix arrays. RNA was for transcriptomic profiles analysis in the HIV lung cancer tumor tissue samples from 3 patients with AC and 1 patient with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) including 3 pairs of tumor/adjacent normal tissue paraffin specimens and 1 pair of tumor/adjacent normal fresh tissue samples.