Project description:Poplar GeneChip was employed to detect genes expressed during the whole floral developmental process, in order to improve understanding of poplar flower development, since current knowledge on flower development was mainly from model plant Arabidopsis.
Project description:Poplar GeneChip was employed to detect genes expressed during the whole floral developmental process, in order to improve understanding of poplar flower development, since current knowledge on flower development was mainly from model plant Arabidopsis. Male and female floral buds of Populus tomentosa were selected at successive stages of the whole development process for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. We sought to obtain genes contributed to floral development, but not the dynamic expression changes. To that end, equal amount of floral buds RNA per gender from different stages were mixed for the detection of expressed genes.
Project description:We take the two year old plant for sampling.Use the Affymetrix poplar gene chip to elucidate the gene functions and mechanisms in Populus tomentosa shoot apex and mature xylem. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression in shoot apex and mature xylem.
Project description:We take the two year old plant for sampling. Use the Affymetrix poplar gene chip to elucidate the gene functions and mechanisms in Populus tomentosa newly formed developing xylem and lignified xylem. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression in newly formed developing xylem and lignified xylem.
Project description:Regeneration is a common strategy for plants to repair their damaged body plans after attack from other organisms or physical assaults. Trees with bark girdling on a large scale will grow new bark within one month and this bark regeneration after girdling system has been proven to be an efficient method to study secondary vascular development as well as plant tissue regeneration in vivo. We herein show the molecular features of differentiating xylem cell fate switch process during secondary vascular tissue (SVT) regeneration in Populus. Based on our data, we propose a working model to illustrate the molecular dynamics underlying xylem cell fate switch process during SVT regeneration, which is significant to understand the pattern formation during the SVTs regeneration and also would shed light on the mechanisms of tissue regeneration in plants. Specific regenerated tissues of Populus at different stages were isolated by tangential cryo-sectioning. Total RNA from cryo-sections representing different regenerating tissues was extracted for Affymetrix Poplar Whole Genome Array hybridization. Five samples (two replicates for each sample) were used for gene expression analysis: differentiating xylem (diX, Stage 0), dedifferentiating xylem cells (deX, Stage I), regenerated phloem (rPh, Stage II), differentiating regenerated cambium (diC, Stage II) and regenerated cambium (rC, Stage III). In addition, one pooled genomic DNA sample from cryo-sections of differentiating xylem from two trees was isolated for DNA hybridization to produce a new CDF file that was used to mask out some potentially cross-hybridizing probesets from the standard Affymetrix Poplar Genome Array. Supplementary file: poplar.cdf
Project description:The atmosphere CO2 concentration keeps increasing every year. Use the Affymetrix poplar gene chip to confirm the expression changes in key genes in the triploid white poplar due to the influence of elevated CO2 concentrations. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression under normal and elevated CO2 concentrations.
Project description:The atmosphere CO2 concentration keeps increasing every year. Use the Affymetrix poplar gene chip to confirm the expression changes in key genes in the triploid white poplar due to the influence of elevated CO2 concentrations. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression under normal and elevated CO2 concentrations. Gene expression of triploid white poplar ((P. tomentosa Ã? P. bolleanaï¼?Ã? P. tomentosa) leaves were investigated by using the Affymetrix poplar genome gene chip, after grown in controlled environment chambers under three different CO2 concentrations. Poplar leaves were subjected to normal CO2 concentrations (T0) and elevated CO2 concentrations (T1, 550 ppm and T2, 720 ppm) treatments three months.
Project description:To obtain genes expression in different parts of 84k poplar stems, transcriptome sequencing was performed using Illumina Novaseq 6000 second-generation sequencing platform from Shanghai BIOZERON Co. Ltd ( Selecte three stem segments of plants REPEAT 1, 2 and 3 with good and similar growth to use: 2nd-3rd internodes (poplar stem top: PST1, PST2, PST3); 9th-10th internodes (poplar stem middle: PSM1, PSM2, PSM3); 14th-15th internodes (poplar stem bottom: PSB1, PSB2, PSB3). [Or the three repeating organisms are also called poplar A, B, C. From top to bottom, the three parts of the stem are also called stem 1, 2, 3.]