Project description:To address the functional role of MOF in mammalian X upregulation, male and female mouse ES cells were transfected with a mixture of three small interfering RNA duplexes, each of which targets a different region of Mof mRNA. We found that MOF knockdown in mouse ES cells caused a greater drop in expression of X-linked genes compared to autosomal genes, as measured by expression array analyses. The strongest effect was observed on medium-expressed X-linked genes. We next examined components of the two known MOF protein complexes, MSL1 (male-specific lethal1) and NSL1 (nonspecific lethal1). Knockdown of MSL1 but not NSL1 in undifferentiated female ES cells PGK12.1 specifically caused a decrease in expression levels of X-linked genes. Cells co-transfected with both MOF and MSL1 siRNAs had similar expression changes to MSL1 knockdown alone, indicating that these components probably operate within the same complex but are not additive. Our findings that key components of the MSL but not NSL complex play a role in upregulation of mammalian X-linked genes in ES cells. Mouse ES cells were treated by Invitrogen scramble siRNA duplexes or specific siRNA duplexes and used for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. Six RNA samples from two independent double-RNAi treatments and one single-RNAi treatment in undifferentiated female ES cells PGK12.1, and RNA samples from two single-RNAi treatments in undifferentiated male ES cells WD44 or E14 were assayed for expression changes by arrays. RNA samples from three MSL1RNAi treatments, two MOF/MSL1RNAi treatments and three NSL1RNAi treatments in undifferentiated female ES cells PGK12.1 were assayed by arrays.
Project description:To address the functional role of KDM6A in the regulation of Rhox genes, male and female mouse ES cells were transfected with a mixture of three small interfering RNA duplexes, each of which targets a different region of Kdm6a mRNA. We found that Kdm6a knockdown in mouse ES cells caused a decrease in expression of a subset of Rhox genes, Rhox6 and 9. Furthermore, Rhox6 and 9 expression was decreased in female ES cells but not male ES cells indicating that KDM6A regulates Rhox gene expression in a sexually dimorphic manner. Mouse ES cells were treated by Invitrogen scramble siRNA duplexes or specific siRNA duplexes and used for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. Four RNA samples from two independent double-RNAi treatments and two single-RNAi treatment in undifferentiated female ES cells PGK12.1, and RNA samples from two single-RNAi treatments in undifferentiated male ES cells WD44 were assayed for expression changes by arrays.
Project description:Plants and invertebrates protect themselves from viruses through RNA interference (RNAi), yet it remains unknown whether this defense mechanism exists in mammals. Antiviral RNAi involves the processing of viral long double-stranded (ds) RNA molecules into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) by the ribonuclease (RNAse) III Dicer. These siRNAs are incorporated into effector complex(es) containing members of the Argonaute (Ago) protein family and guide silencing of complementary target viral RNAs. Here, we detect the accumulation of phased Dicer-dependent virus-derived siRNA (viRNAs) and demonstrate their loading into Ago2 after infection of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV). We further show that the production of these viRNAs is drastically reduced, yet not completely abolished, if ES cells are first induced to differentiate before infection. Finally, we reveal that the mammalian virus Nodamura virus (NoV) encodes for a protein that counteracts such antiviral RNAi in ES cells supporting the existence of an effective RNAi-based immunity in mammals.
Project description:Plants and invertebrates protect themselves from viruses through RNA interference (RNAi), yet it remains unknown whether this defense mechanism exists in mammals. Antiviral RNAi involves the processing of viral long double-stranded (ds) RNA molecules into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) by the ribonuclease (RNAse) III Dicer. These siRNAs are incorporated into effector complex(es) containing members of the Argonaute (Ago) protein family and guide silencing of complementary target viral RNAs. Here, we detect the accumulation of phased Dicer-dependent virus-derived siRNA (viRNAs) and demonstrate their loading into Ago2 after infection of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV). We further show that the production of these viRNAs is drastically reduced, yet not completely abolished, if ES cells are first induced to differentiate before infection. Finally, we reveal that the mammalian virus Nodamura virus (NoV) encodes for a protein that counteracts such antiviral RNAi in ES cells supporting the existence of an effective RNAi-based immunity in mammals. Infection of wild-type or mutant mouse ES cells and analysis of small RNAs from total extracts or immunoprecipitated components of the RNAi pathway
Project description:The PARK2 gene was knocked down using 2 independent siRNAs in SNB19 and SF539 cell lines A non-targeted scramble siRNA was used as the control.
Project description:HT29 cells were transfected with two different PHGR1-targeted siRNA and a scramble siRNA (control) in four copies. Global mRNA profiling was performed by hybridization to Illumina Human-6 Express BeadChips (version 2). Genes significantly up- or downregulated for both PHGR1-targeted siRNAs were identified.
Project description:The FAT1 gene was knocked down using 2 independent siRNAs, in immortalized human astrocytes and U87 and U251 glioma cell lines. A non-targeted scramble siRNA was used as a control.
Project description:Mouse embryonic stem cells (mES) were depleted of Klf2, Klf4, and Klf5 by ectopic expression of shRNA. Control RNAi was performed using shRNA against luciferase. At 2 days, 4 days and 6 days post-transfection of shRNA-encoding vectors, cells are harvested for RNA isolation. Keywords: RNAi expression, Mouse ES cells
Project description:IMR90 ER:RAS cells were transfected with scramble siRNA or 2 deconvoluted siRNAs targeting each of 38 candidate genes or positive control siRNAs targeting the senescence regulators p16 and p53 and the SASP regulators NF-kappaB, p38alpha and CEBPbeta. The next day the cells were treated with 4OHT to induce senescence. 6 days later the cells were collected for total mRNA analysis. Our previous experiments had shown that these 38 genes regulate the secretome of senescent cells without affecting other senescence phenotypes such as the growth arrest. By performing RNA-seq we confirmed that knockdown of these genes affected the expression of multiple pro-inflammatory factors in senescence. More importantly, the secreted factors were differentially regulated across the different knockdown conditions indicating potential for specific manipulation of immune response genes.