Project description:Paired fine needle aspiration biopsies (FNABs) of breast cancers were taken before (PRE) and after (POST) surgeries from 16 patients and compared the cDNA microarray data to determine the genes that were differentially expressed between the FNABs taken at the two time points. The timing of fine needle aspiration biopsies can be a confounding factor in microarray data analyses in breast cancer. FOS-related genes, which have been implicated in early hypoxia as well as the development of breast cancers, were differentially expressed before and after surgery. Therefore, it is important that future studies take timing of tissue acquisition into account. Keywords: Breast cancer, fine needle, biopsy timing, microarray standardization, early hypoxic genes
Project description:Breast cancer molecular subtypes preferentially metastasize to specific organs and the anatomical location of the metastasis is associated with the length of survival post-recurrence. We used microarrays to provide a detailed characterization of breast cancer site-specific metastases with particular focus on identifying genes predictive of breast cancer liver metastatic proprnsity We performed global gene expression profiling on fine-needle aspirates of metastatic lesions from different anatomical sites obtained from breast cancer patients treated within the Swedish randomized trial (TEX) of first-line chemotherapy for locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Samples were collected before commencement of treatment.
Project description:Paired fine needle aspiration biopsies (FNABs) of breast cancers were taken before (PRE) and after (POST) surgeries from 16 patients and compared the cDNA microarray data to determine the genes that were differentially expressed between the FNABs taken at the two time points. The timing of fine needle aspiration biopsies can be a confounding factor in microarray data analyses in breast cancer. FOS-related genes, which have been implicated in early hypoxia as well as the development of breast cancers, were differentially expressed before and after surgery. Therefore, it is important that future studies take timing of tissue acquisition into account. Keywords: Breast cancer, fine needle, biopsy timing, microarray standardization, early hypoxic genes Dye-swap technical replicates were included both in PRE and POST FNABs for every patient, then the two replicated array data were combined for analysis.
Project description:Fine needle aspiration biopsies (FNABs) of breast cancers were taken before and after surgeries from 16 patients. The cDNA microarray data were used to determine the gene expression profile responding to patient's clinical finding and tumor's pathological changes. A gene profile was generated as Estrogen Receptor Gene Signature (ERGS). The ERGS was verified in a reference dataset and correlated with patient's prognosis significantly. Keywords: Breast cancer, fine needle biopsy, estrogen receptor, prognostic gene signature
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE23384: Gene profiling using archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer specimens can generate informative microarray data: A comparison with matched fresh fine needle aspiration biopsy samples (FFPE samples) GSE23385: Gene profiling using archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer specimens can generate informative microarray data: A comparison with matched fresh fine needle aspiration biopsy samples (FNA samples) Refer to individual Series
Project description:To determine whether breast cancer molecular subtypes and tumor characteristics with demonstrated significance in a primary tumor setting can also confer clinically relevant information in breast cancer metastases. We assessed previously published gene expression modules of seven biological processes and the intrinsic subtypes (PAM50). The translational aspect of the Swedish randomized TEX trial included 112 patients with at least one biopsy from morphologically confirmed loco-regional or distant breast cancer metastasis diagnosed from December 2002 until June 2007. All patients had detailed clinical information, complete follow-up and metastasis gene expression information (Affymetrix array GPL10379). We performed global gene expression profiling on fine-needle aspirates of metastatic lesions from different anatomical sites obtained from breast cancer patients treated within the Swedish randomized trial (TEX) of first-line chemotherapy for locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer. Samples were collected before commencement of treatment.
Project description:Fine needle aspiration biopsies (FNABs) of breast cancers were taken before and after surgeries from 16 patients. The cDNA microarray data were used to determine the gene expression profile responding to patient's clinical finding and tumor's pathological changes. A gene profile was generated as Estrogen Receptor Gene Signature (ERGS). The ERGS was verified in a reference dataset and correlated with patient's prognosis significantly. Keywords: Breast cancer, fine needle biopsy, estrogen receptor, prognostic gene signature Dye-swap technical replicates were included both FNABs taken before and after surgeries for every patient, then the four replicated array data per patient were combined for analysis.