Project description:PreB cells were analyzed for differences in gene expression before and after the overexpression of miR-221. In order to dissect possible targets for the miR-221, gene expression profiles of preB cells un-induced or induced for the miR-221 expression after 8, 16 and 24 hours were compared. All induction time-points, e.g. after 8, 16 and 24 hours were compared to un-induced preB cells and to each other group.
Project description:PreB cells were analyzed for differences in gene expression before and after the overexpression of miR-221. In order to dissect possible targets for the miR-221, gene expression profiles of preB cells un-induced or induced for the miR-221 expression after 8, 16 and 24 hours were compared. All induction time-points, e.g. after 8, 16 and 24 hours were compared to un-induced preB cells and to each other group. Gene expression profiles of un-induced preB cells, preB cells induced for miR-221 expression after 8, 16, and 24 hours were analyzed using Affymetrix MG 430 2.0 whole genome arrays. Each time-point was performed in triplicates for un-induced preB cells and preB cells induced for miR-221 expression after 8, 16, and 24 hours (12 arrays in total). To obtain genes significantly downregulated upon induction of miR-221, the expression profiles of un-induced preB cells were compared to preB cells activated for 8, 16, or 24 h and were also compared to each other. After total RNA extraction, reverse transcription, cDNA extraction, the biotinylated cRNA was transcribed, fragmented, and 15 M-BM-5g cRNA hybridized in triplicates for each of the four groups to the 12 GeneChip arrays: Group1, un-induced preB cells, Group2, preB cells induced for miR-221 expression after 8h, Group3, preB cells induced for miR-221 expression after 16h, Group4, preB cells induced for miR-221 expression after 24h.
Project description:Murine ES cell gene expression before RA induction are used to compare gene expression for time-points of 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 hours post-induction.
Project description:Human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells are capable of limited self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation in vitro. Several studies have demonstrated that microRNAs, post-transcriptional modifiers of protein expression, play crucial roles in the regulation of these complex processes. To gain knowledge regarding the role of microRNAs in human adipocyte regulation, we examined the microRNA expression profile of the immortalized human bone marrow-derived stromal cell line hMSC-Tert20. We identified 12 microRNAs that were differentially expressed during adipogenesis, of which several have previously been shown to play important roles in adipocyte biology. The expression of miR-155, miR-221 and miR-222 decreased during the adipogenic program, suggesting that they act as negative regulators of differentiation. Interestingly, adenovirus-mediated expression of either miR-155 alone or miR-221 plus miR-222 significantly inhibited adipogenesis and repressed induction of the master regulators C/EBP? and PPAR?. Our study provides the first experimental evidence that miR-155, miR-221 and miR-222 function in human adipocyte differentiation. The telomerase immortalized human bone marrow-derived stromal cell line hMSC-Tert20 was differentiated towards adipocytes, and total RNA was harvested at various time points (0, 8, 24, 32, 48 and 72 hours, and 7, 14 and 21 days). All hybridizations, except for 0h, 8h and 32h, were performed twice. The expression of each miRNA at a given time point was calculated as a ratio relative to its level on day 0. No dye swaps.
Project description:Purpose: miR-Seq was utilised to identify miRNAs which are altered during the course of KSHV lytic replication at 0, 16 and 24 hours post reactivation in TREx-BCBL1-RTA cells. Methods: Virus lytic replication was induced via addition of 2 µg/mL doxycycline hyclate (Sigma-Aldrich). Total RNA was extracted from TREx-BCBL-1s at 0, 16 and 24 hours post lytic induction. Small RNA libraries were prepared using the TruSeq Small RNA Library Prep Kit (Illumina). Quality filtered (Q < 20), and adapter trimmed reads (Trimmomatic v0.39) [59] were aligned to the GRCh38/hg38 assembly of the human genome using Bowtie2 (V 2.4.2).
Project description:Melphalan-induced modulation of miR-221/222 levels in MM cells. Melphalan-resistant U266/LR7 cells showed the highest induction of miR-221/222 after drug exposure. To study the transcriptome perturbation induced in MM cells following the combination of miR-221/222 inhibitors plus melphalan we used the whole gene expression data
Project description:Full title: Expression data from antisense miRNA-221/222 (si221/222) and control inhibitor (GFP) treated fulvestrant-resistant breast cancer cells The expression of miR-221/222 were found to be upregulated in fulvestrant resistant breast cancer cells MCF7-FR compared to its drug-sensitive counterpart MCF7. To investigate the role of miR-221/222 in acquired resistance to fulvestrant, we lowered the level of miR-221/222 in MCF7-FR cells using miRNA inhibitors (antagomirs), and compared gene expression profiles before and after treatment.
Project description:Human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells are capable of limited self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation in vitro. Several studies have demonstrated that microRNAs, post-transcriptional modifiers of protein expression, play crucial roles in the regulation of these complex processes. To gain knowledge regarding the role of microRNAs in human adipocyte regulation, we examined the microRNA expression profile of the immortalized human bone marrow-derived stromal cell line hMSC-Tert20. We identified 12 microRNAs that were differentially expressed during adipogenesis, of which several have previously been shown to play important roles in adipocyte biology. The expression of miR-155, miR-221 and miR-222 decreased during the adipogenic program, suggesting that they act as negative regulators of differentiation. Interestingly, adenovirus-mediated expression of either miR-155 alone or miR-221 plus miR-222 significantly inhibited adipogenesis and repressed induction of the master regulators C/EBP α and PPARgamma Our study provides the first experimental evidence that miR-155, miR-221 and miR-222 function in human adipocyte differentiation.
Project description:Melphalan-induced modulation of miR-221/222 levels in MM cells. Melphalan-resistant U266/LR7 cells showed the highest induction of miR-221/222 after drug exposure. To study the transcriptome perturbation induced in MM cells following the combination of miR-221/222 inhibitors plus melphalan we used the whole gene expression data total RNA was obtained after single or combination treatment of the Melphalan-resistant U266/LR7 cells and the parental cell line U266/s
Project description:We profiled miRNA expression in tissue samples (104 HCC, 90 adjacent cirrhotic livers, 21 normal livers) as well as in 35 HCC cell lines. A set of 12 miRNAs (including miR-21, miR-221/222, miR-34a, miR-519a, miR-93,miR-96, and let-7c) was linked to disease progression from normal liver through cirrhosis to full-blown HCC. miR-221/222, the most upregulated miRNAs in tumor samples, are shown to target the CDK inhibitor p27 and to enhance cell growth in vitro. Conversely, these activities can be efficiently inhibited by an antagomiR specific for miR-221. In addition, we show, using a mouse model of liver cancer, that miR-221 overexpression stimulates growth of tumorigenic murine hepatic progenitor cells.