Project description:Autophagy involvement in plant response to nitrogen, carbon and sulfur starvation was already reported, however the mechanisms responsible for its regulation and selectivity in such conditions were not yet investigated. We observed increased amounts of NBR1 transcript in plants exposed to sulfur deficit as compared to the control plants grown in nutrient sufficient conditions. This observation prompted us to investigate the role of this selective autophagy cargo receptor in plant response to sulfur deficit. Transcriptome analysis of the wild type and NBR overexpressing plants revealed differences in gene expression changes in response to sulfur deficit. Moreover, NBR1 overexpressors have significantly shorter roots than WT, when grown in nutrient deficient conditions in the presence of TOR kinase inhibitors, namely in the conditions leading to autophagy induction. Besides, NBR1 overexpression promoted stomata closure while NBR1 depletion stomata opening. Surprisingly, all lines had more closed stomata when grown in sulfur deficient than sulfur optimal conditions, what indicates that this effect is independent from NBR1. Similarly, ABA-dependent stomatal closure was independent from NBR1 and growth conditions. Cysteine also promoted stomatal closure in NBR1-independent way in plants grown in the optimal medium but in contrast, reduced the number of open stomata in plants from sulfur deficient medium. Interaction network analysis of the proteins co-purifying with NBR1 revealed links with proteins involved in degradation systems, and endosomal trafficking and a surprizing connection with nuclear transport. In addition, several proteins co-purifying with NBR1 were found only in sulfur deficient conditions. One of them, ribosomal protein S6 (RPS6) was further confirmed as a direct NBR1 interactor. Localization of the RPS6 interaction sites in NBR1 indicated that ubiquitin binding domain of NBR1 is not required for this interaction what means that it is rather not the classical “ubiquitinated target - autophagy receptor” interaction.
Project description:transcriptome changes in pea leaves with sulfur deficency/sufficiency during reproductive phase.-Characterization of transcriptome changes in leaves of wild-type and PsSultr4 mutant lines (for a sulfur transporter) subjected or not to sulfur deficiency during the reproductive phase 4plex_pea_2014_01 - transcriptome changes in pea leaves with sulfur deficency/sufficiency during reproductive phase. - Role of sulfur and of the sulfate store in leaf metabolism. - Comparison of: 1- The leaf transcriptome of pea subjected or not to sulfur deficiency during the reproductive phase (S+ versus S –) 2- The leaf transcriptome of wild-type and mutant lines for a sulfur transporter (two TILLING alleles) grown under sulfur sufficient conditions : WT1/Mut1 S+ et WT2/Mut2 S+ 3- The leaf transcriptome of wild-type and mutant lines for a sulfur transporter (two TILLING alleles) grown under sulfur deficient conditions : WT1/Mut1 S+ et WT2/Mut2 S+
Project description:Two Near Isogenic soybean (Glycine max) lines were grown in hydroponic conditions with either 50uM ferric nitrate or 100uM ferric nitrate. After 10 days, half the plants were harvested (total root tissue). At 12 days after planting, iron was added to plants grown in low iron conditions bringing them up to sufficient iron growth conditions. Root tissue was harvested for the remaining plants at 14 days after planting. Gene expression analysis from root tissue of two Near Isogenic Lines (NILs), Clark (PI548553) and IsoClark (PI547430), grown in iron stress or iron stress recovered conditions.
Project description:This study was designed to identify candidate genes associated with iron efficiency in soybeans. Two genotypes, Clark (PI548553) and IsoClark (PI547430), were grown in both iron sufficient (100uM Fe(NO3)3) and iron deficient (50uM Fe(NO3)3) hydroponics conditions. The second trifoliate was harvested for RNA extraction for the microarray experiment. Candidate genes were identified by comparing gene expression profiles within genotypes between the two iron growth conditions. Experiment Overall Design: This experiment was designed to compare expression profiles of Clark grown in iron sufficient and deficient iron conditions and of IsoClark grown in the same conditions. Plants grown in iron sufficient conditions were used as controls and plants grown in iron deficient conditions were considered experimental. For the Clark genotype, There were two biological replicates of iron deficient plants, and three biological replicates of iron sufficient plants. The IsoClark genotype had three biological replicates for both iron sufficient and deficient conditions.
Project description:Methanogens inhabit euxinic (sulfide-rich) or ferruginous (iron-rich) environments that promote the precipitation of transition metals as metal sulfides, such as pyrite, reducing metal or sulfur availability. Such environments have been common throughout Earth’s history raising the question as to how anaerobes obtain(ed) these elements for the synthesis of enzyme cofactors. Here, we show a methanogen can synthesize molybdenum nitrogenase metallocofactors from pyrite as the source of iron and sulfur, enabling nitrogen fixation. Pyrite-grown, nitrogen-fixing cells grow faster and require 25-fold less molybdenum than cells grown under euxinic conditions. Growth yields are 3 to 8 times higher in cultures grown under ferruginous relative to euxinic conditions. Physiological, transcriptomic, and geochemical data indicate these observations are due to sulfide-promoted metal limitation, in particular molybdenum. These findings suggest that molybdenum nitrogenase may have originated in a ferruginous environment that titrated sulfide to form pyrite, facilitating the availability of sufficient iron, sulfur, and molybdenum for cofactor biosynthesis.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE30091: Expression analysis of the effect of protoplasting and sorting in roots exposed to low pH GSE30095: Expression analysis of root cell types after treatment with low pH GSE30096: Expression analysis of developmental stages of Arabidopsis roots exposed to low pH GSE30097: Time-course expression analysis of the low pH (pH 4.6) response in Arabidopsis whole roots GSE30098: Expression analysis time-course of Arabidopsis roots to sulfur deficiency GSE30099: Expression analysis of root cell types after treatment with sulfur deficient media GSE30100: Expression analysis of developmental stages of Arabidopsis roots exposed to sulfur deficient media GSE30104: Genome-wide identification of SCARECROW (SCR) direct targets using a custom Agilent promoter array Refer to individual Series
Project description:Plants utilize soil sulfate for production of sulfur-containing amino acids that serve as essential dietary sulfur sources for animals. Despite the global nutritional significance of this fundamental metabolic process in nature, transcription factors regulating the plant sulfur assimilation pathways have never been discovered. We isolated sulfur limitation1 (slim1) mutants from Arabidopsis, showing abnormally low expression of SULTR1;2 sulfate transporter, by screening responsiveness of SULTR1;2 promoter-GFP, as an indicator, to sulfur limitation. SLIM1 encoded an EIL-family transcription factor, EIL3. To clarify the siganificance of SLIM1 function in sulfur responsive gene expression, we analyzed the transcriptome profiles in slim1-1, slim1-2 and the parental line under +S and -S conditions. Experiment Overall Design: PSULTR1;2-GFP, slim1-1 and slim1-2 were vertically grown on the +S/-S (S1500/S15) agar medium. Root tissues of 10-day-old plants were used for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. All conditions were duplicated.
Project description:Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Fielder) plants were grown under iron (Fe) deficient hydroponic conditions to analyise transcriptomic changes in leaf and root tissue.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Yellow stripe 1 (ys1) and ys3 mutants. ys1 and ys3 are recessive mutants of maize (Zea mays L.) that result in symptoms typical of Fe deficiency, i.e., interveinal chlorosis of the leaves. The objective of the present work was to identify the genes involved in the ys1 and ys3 phenotypes, so as to extend our understanding of Fe homeostasis in maize. Root or shoot of WT vs. ys1 or ys3 mutants under Fe sufficient or Fe deficient conditions respectively.