Project description:Total RNA was extracted from V. angularium susceptible and resistant rainbow trout, tissues (liver, spleen, gill), in different time points using GenEluteTM mammalian RNA kit (RTN350, Sigma-Aldrich, Denmark). After measuring quantity (NanoDrop 2000 spectrophotometer (Saveen & Werner, Denmark)) and quality (gel electrophoresis) of RNA, cDNA was synthetised in T100 thermocycler, Biorad, Denmark, using Oligo d(T)16 primer and TaqMan® Reverse Transcription Reagents ( N8080234, Thermo Fischer Scientific, Denmark). Primers and probes for total of 28 genes including three housekeeping genes were synthesized at TAG Copenhagen AS, Denmark. qPCR reactions were run by Brilliant III Ultra-Fast QPCR Master Mix (600881, AH Diagnostics AS, Denmark) for all samples. The fold changes analysed by the simplified 2-ΔΔCq method. Fingerlings of rainbow trout (mean body weight of 12 g) were exposed (2 h bathing, 18°C) to the pathogen V. anguillarum serotype O1 in a solution of 1.5x107 cfu/ml and observed for 14 d. Disease signs appeared three days post exposure (dpe) whereafter morbidity progressed exponentially until 6 dpe reaching a total morbidity/mortality of 55% within 11 days. we sampled fish for immune gene expression analysis when they first showed clinical signs, fish without clinical signs at the same time point and finally fish surviving the exposure to the pathogen. The different immune gene expression profiles in the different groups were addressed when discussing possible resistance mechanisms in rainbow trout.
Project description:This data describes the clinical picture of natural Vibrio anguillarum infection in rainbow trout during an outbreak on a fish farm. Molecular mechanisms associated with the host immune response have been investigated using mass spectrometric analysis of trout plasma proteins. Three fish populations were identified among infected trout according to the severity of infection: fish with severe lesions (SL), with moderate infectious process (IP) and asymptomatic fish (AS). As expected, pro-inflammatory interleukins, complement components, acute phase proteins and antimicrobial peptides were implicated in the acute pathogenesis. Systemic coagulopathy was accompanied by increased antithrombotic reactions. Reconstruction of metabolic pathways also revealed a high energy requirement for the immune response in severely affected fish. An unexpected result was a small difference between fish with moderate symptoms and fish with no or minor external signs of pathology, proposed as resistant to infection. Increased production of antiproteases and enhanced blood coagulation cascade were observed in healthier fish, which may underlie the mechanisms of a controlled, non-self-damaging immune response to infection.
Project description:Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) is an economic important aquaculture fish that was susceptible to Vibrio anguillarum. To fully deciphered the molecular mechanisms underlying flounder host defense against V. anguillarum infection, we perform the micro-transcriptome analysis of founder spleen with and without V. anguillarum infection at 3 time points.
Project description:Proteomics represents a powerful tool for the analysis of fish spermatozoa, since these cells are transcriptionally inactive. The aim of the present study was to generate an inventory of the most prominent rainbow trout sperm proteins with the use of one-dimensional electrophoresis prefractionation combined with performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. This study provides the first in-depth analysis of the rainbow trout sperm proteome, with a total of 204 identified proteins. We found that rainbow trout spermatozoa are equipped with functionally diverse proteins related to energetic metabolism, signal transduction, protein turnover, transport, cytoskeleton, oxidative injures and stress and reproduction. The availability of a catalogue of rainbow trout sperm proteins provides a crucial tool for the understanding of fundamental molecular processes in fish spermatozoa for ongoing research in the development of novel markers of sperm quality and for the optimization of short- and long-term sperm preservation procedures.
Project description:The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is one of the most important aquaculture species worlwide. In this study, transcriptional profiling of skin by oligonucleotide microarray was applied to rainbow trout individuals infected with A. salmonicida, to identified enriched genes involved in pathogen response.
Project description:In the present study the combination of protein fractionation by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry was used to characterize the rainbow trout seminal plasma proteome. Our results led to the creation of a catalogue of rainbow trout seminal plasma proteins and significantly contributed to the current knowledge regarding the protein composition of fish seminal plasma. The major proteins of rainbow trout seminal plasma, such as transferrin, apolipoproteins, complement C3, serum albumin, hemopexin-like protein, alpha-1-antiproteinase-like and precerebellin-like protein were recognized as acute phase proteins (proteins which plasma concentration changes in response to inflammation). This study provides the basis for further functional studies of fish seminal plasma proteins, as well as for the identification of novel biomarkers for sperm quality.
Project description:We have constructed a rainbow trout high-density oligonucleotide microarray by using all the available tentative consensus (TC) sequences from the Rainbow Trout Gene Index database (The Computational Biology and Functional Genomics Lab., Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard School of Public Health). The Rainbow Trout Gene Index integrates research data from all available international rainbow trout genomic research projects. The newly designed microarray incorporates 37,394 unique transcript-specific oligonucleotide probes, 60-mer long each. The microarray was printed according to our design by Agilent Technologies using the 4 X 44-design format and contains 1417 Agilent control spots. The performance of the new microarray platform was evaluated by analyzing gene expression associated with the rainbow trout vitellogenesis-induced muscle atrophy. These chips can be ordered from Agilent using design number 016320. This microarray is anticipated to open new avenues of research that will aid in the development of novel strategies to enhance growth efficiency and quality in salmonid species. Keywords: Development of an oligo-array for rainbow trout