Project description:Retinas from various developmental stages at postnatal p5, p11, and p27 from miRNA183/182/96 cluster knockout mice versus wild type controls were used to prepare total RNA for RNA-sequencing.
Project description:Expression profiling of the dme-miR-310 cluster knockout line in D.melanogaster. The knockout line was generated in an imprecise P-element excision screen using a stock P{EP}2587 containing a P-element insertion directly upstream of the miR-310 cluster. The precise excision line of P{EP}2587 was used as the control.
Project description:In this study, a Cre-loxP system was used to generate eIF3a conditional knockout mice. Tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling with LC-MS/MS analysis was used to identify differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) in fat, lungs, skin, and spleen tissue of the eIF3a knockout mice and controls. Bioinformatics analysis was then used to explore the functions and molecular signaling pathways of these protein landscapes.
Project description:Expression profiling of the dme-miR-310 cluster knockout line in D.melanogaster. The knockout line was generated in an imprecise P-element excision screen using a stock P{EP}2587 containing a P-element insertion directly upstream of the miR-310 cluster. The precise excision line of P{EP}2587 was used as the control. The expression of miR-310 cluster knockout line (imprecise deletion of P{EP}2587 insertion) were compared with the control (precise deletion of P{EP}2587 insertion) using Drosophila Tiling 1.0 F array. Each stock has three biological repeats. A processed data matrix reporting values (log2 intensity after quantile normalization) for all of the Samples is linked below as a supplementary file.
Project description:Analysis of liver with or without Cytochrome P450 (Cyp) 3a-cluster. Cyp3a family is one of the most important enzymes for drug metabolism. These results suggest the biological effects of Cyp3a-knockout on liver.