Project description:Interventions: Case series:None
Primary outcome(s): exon genes;transcriptional expression;proteome;protein phosphorylation group
Study Design: Sequential
| 2739647 | ecrin-mdr-crc
Project description:Transcriptional Analysis of Wild Species Peanut Under Induced Drought Stress
Project description:Although cross-species transcriptional analysis has been generated for DCs37, transcriptomic conservation between mouse and human FRCs at single-cell resolution has been unclear. To test whether GREM1+ FRCs might also play a role in DC homeostasis in humans, we performed scRNA-seq of CD45–PDPN+ stromal cells, as well as CD45+CD11c+ immune cells from healthy human LNs of three donors.
Project description:Cross-species gene expression analysis of species-specific differences in preclinical assessment of pharmaceutical compounds (human)
Project description:Although cross-species transcriptional analysis has been generated for DCs, transcriptomic conservation between mouse and human FRCs at single-cell resolution has been unclear. To test whether GREM1+ FRCs might also play a role in DC homeostasis in humans, we performed scRNA-seq of CD45–PDPN+ stromal cells, as well as CD45+CD11c+ immune cells from healthy human LNs of three human donors. Data was generated using the 10x platform.