Project description:There are 16 organ samples (dry seeds, 24H imbibed seeds, 48H imbibed seeds, juvenile rosette, adult rosette, senescence leaves, cauline leaves, stems, young buds, mature flower buds, flowers, young siliques, mature siliques and old siliques) with triplicates. There are 17 samples of different environmental samples (0 h white, 1 h white, 6 h white, 24 h white, dark, blue, far-red and red lights, control, cold 2h, cold 6h, hot 2h, hot 6h, NaCl 2h, NaCl 6h, dry 2h and dry 6h) with triplicates.
Project description:To facilitate the functional annotation of the pepper genome, we generated 90.84 Gb of RNA-Seq data from 33 libraries representing all major tissue types and developmental stages of Zunla 1, as well as fruits from other accessions with significant phenotypic differences. Pepper ‘Zunla 1’ and other inbred lines were grown in a greenhouse as described in Table S1, with their different developmental stages Plants at full-bloom stage were harvested for roots, stems, and leaves as the same as the samples for phased small RNAs (see text S3.4.2 for details). Mature plants were harvested for unopened flower buds (buds) and fully open flowers (flowers). Additional flowers were allowed to self-pollinate and fruit was harvested at four pre-breaker stages (1-3cm, 3-4cm, 4-5cm fruit length, and mature green), the breaker stage (when the fruit was turning red) and three post-breaker stages (3, 5, and 7 days after breaker). These samples will respectively be referred to as Root, Stem, Leaf, Bud, Flower, F-Dev-1, F-Dev-2, F-Dev-3, F-Dev-4, F-Dev-5, F-Dev-6, F-Dev-7, F-Dev-8, and F-Dev-9. Similar roots, stems, leaves, immature fruit and red fruit were harvested from other inbred lines from domesticated Capsicum species. Meanwhile, chiltepin plants were grown under long days at controlled temperature and RNA was extracted from a mix of leaves from four stages (seedling, early blooming, full bloom, and fruit breaker phases), a mix of flowers from unopened flower buds (buds) and fully open flowers (flowers), and fruit at breaker and breaker plus five days respectively. All tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen and then stored at -80℃. Total RNA was isolated from different samples by using the Trizol Reagent (Invitrogen) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Strand-specific RNA-Seq library preparations were performed as previously described (39) with 12 independently bar-coded samples sequenced on one lane of an Illumina HiSeq2000 system. The 200 bp paired-end libraries were sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 2000 (90 bp PE).
Project description:We report the genome-wide transcriptome of soybean seeds across several stages of seed development and the entire life cycle using Illumina high-throughput sequencing technology. Specifically, we profiled whole seeds containing globular-stage, heart-stage, cotyledon-stage, and early maturation-stage embryos. We also profiled dry soybean seeds, and vegetative and reproductive tissues including leaves, roots, stems, seedlings, and floral buds. Illumina sequencing of transcripts from whole seeds at five stages of seed development (globular, heart, cotyledon, early-maturation, dry), and vegetative (leaves, roots, stems, seedlings) and reproductive (floral buds) tissues.
Project description:To identificate long noncoding RNAs in rice, we profiled transcriptome of various organs at different developmental stages using nondirectional paired-end RNA-seq based on poly(A) selection. Transcriptom profiling in flower buds, flowers, flag leaves and roots sampled before flowering and after flowering, milk grains and mature seeds.
Project description:To identificate long noncoding RNAs in rice, we profiled transcriptome of various organs at different developmental stages using stranded single-end RNA-seq based on poly(A) selection. Transcriptom profiling in flower buds, flowers, flag leaves and roots sampled before flowering and after flowering, milk grains and mature seeds.
Project description:Lonicera japonica Thunb., known as Jin Yin Hua or Japanese honeysuckle, is an herbal medicine in Asian countries. Its flowers have been used as folk medicine for clinical practice or used as food or making healthy beverage for 1500 years in China. To investigate the molecular developmental processes from L. japonica buds to flowers under UV radiation, comparative proteomics analyses of buds and flowers were performed. Fifty-four differential proteins were identified including 42 increased proteins and 12 decreased proteins. The abundance of proteins related to glycolysis, TCA/organic acid transformation, major carbohydrate metabolism, oxidative pentose phosphate, stress, secondary metabolism, hormone, and mitochondrial electron transport were increased during flower opening process under UV radiation. Six metabolites were identified and relatively quantified by LC-MS/MS in L. japonica buds and flowers. The 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl assay revealed that antioxidant activity of L. japonica buds was better than that of flowers. These results suggest that UV-B radiation could induce the production of endogenous ethylene in L. japonica buds, which facilitate the buds blossom and activate the antioxidant system. Additionally, the higher content of metabolites and antioxidant capability in L. japonica buds indicates that L. japonica buds stage might be the better harvest time compared to the flower.
Project description:We report the genome-wide transcriptome of soybean seeds across several stages of seed development and the entire life cycle using Illumina high-throughput sequencing technology. Specifically, we profiled whole seeds containing globular-stage, heart-stage, cotyledon-stage, early maturation-stage, mid-maturation-stage, and late-maturation-stage embryos. We also profiled dry soybean seeds, and vegetative and reproductive tissues including leaves, roots, stems, seedlings, and floral buds.
Project description:Versatile roles of REVOLUTA (REV), a Class III homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-ZIP III) transcription factor, have been mainly depicted in Arabidopsis and Populus. In this study, we investigated the functions of its tomato homolog, namely SlREV. Over-expression of a microRNA166-resistant version of SlREV (35S::REVRis) not only resulted in vegetative abnormities such as curly leaves and fasciated stems, but also caused dramatic reproductive alterations including continuous production of flowers at pedicel abscission zone (AZ) and ectopic fruit formation on receptacles. Microscopic analysis showed that meristem-like structures continuously emerged out from the exodermises of pedicel AZs and ectopic carpels formed between the first and the second whorl of floral buds in 35S::REVRis plants. Therefore, we performed Illumina’s digital gene expression (DGE) system, a tag-based transcriptome sequencing methodTranscriptional data to dicover differential expressed genes in early buds (1-2 mm floral buds at stage 6-8) of overexpression line SlREVRis-1. The result suggests that SlREV may regulate genes related to meristem maintenance and cell differentiation in the development of flower pedicel abscission zone, and modulate genes in homodomain and MADS-box families and hormone pathways during fruit formation. These results reveal important roles of SlREV in tomato.
Project description:To decipher gene expression controlled by the five highly homologous group S1 bZIP transcription factors during the reproductive growth phase of Arabidopsis thaliana, we generated triple (bzip2/-11/-44) and quintuple (bzip1/-2/-11/-44/-53) mutants of these factors using CRISPR/Cas9 and analysed gene expression in distinct C source (source leaves) or C sink (sink leaves, rosette buds, flowers) tissues.