Project description:To clarify how Foxp3 regulates its target genes, we performed co-immunoprecipitation experiments and found that Foxp3 physically bound to AML1/Runx1 (Ono, M. et al, Nature, 2007). In this series of study, we compared gene regulations by AML1, wild type Foxp3, and a Foxp3 mutant with defective binding to AML1. Experiment Overall Design: CD4+ naive T cells were activated and retrovirally gene-transduced with either empty vector (pMCsIg), or AML1-, wild type Foxp3-, or an AML1-non binding mutant Foxp3-encoding vectors. Sixty hours after transfection, 5 x 10^6 GFP-expressing cells were sorted and total RNA was extracted. One cycle target labelling protocol was used for labelling RNA with biotin.
Project description:To clarify how Foxp3 regulates its target genes, we performed co-immunoprecipitation experiments and found that Foxp3 physically bound to AML1/Runx1 (Ono, M. et al, Nature, 2007). In this series of study, we compared gene regulations by AML1, wild type Foxp3, and a Foxp3 mutant with defective binding to AML1. Keywords: Retroviral gene-transduction into primary CD4+ T cells
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE40238: Genome-wide maps of FoxP3 binding in transduced CD4+ T cells GSE40273: Gene expression profiling in Treg cells deficient or mutant in candidate FoxP3 cofactors GSE40274: Gene profiling data of CD4+ T cells transduced with FOXP3 and candidate cofactors GSE40276: Gene profiling data of CD4+ T cells transduced with FOXP3 and GATA1, then sorted into different fractions, based on the expression of Thy1.1 (FOXP3) GSE40277: Gene profiling data of CD4+ T cells doubly transduced with EOS+LEF1 or GATA1+SATB1 Refer to individual Series
Project description:Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq of human CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells transduced with empty vector control(MIT), AML1-ETO (AE), wildtype FOXO1 (F WT) or FOXO1 DNA binding deficient mutant (F DB). We find wildtype FOXO1 partially recapitulates gene signature of AML1-ETO
Project description:The forkhead DNA-binding protein FOXP3 is critical for the development and suppressive function of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (TREG), which play a key role in maintaining self tolerance. Functionally, FOXP3 is capable of repressing transcription of cytokine genes regulated by the Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells (NFAT). Various mechanisms have been proposed by which FOXP3 mediates these effects. Using novel HEK cell lines that inducibly express either wild-type (WT) or mutant FOXP3, we have identified genome-wide expression patterns showing among other features that NFAT2 as an early target of FOXP3-mediated transcriptional repression. Six biological replicates of wild-type induced FOXP3 cell lines and six biological replicates of mutated FOXP3 cell line were studied.
Project description:To examine the effects of disrupting the AML1/ETO MYND-SMRT interaction with the W692A substitution on AML1/ETO function, the global gene expression profile of mouse bone marrow LSK cells transduced with GFP was compared to that of cells transduced with either wild-type AML1/ETO or AML1/ETO harboring the W692A substitution in the MYND domain. Three independent biological replicates were assessed for both the control (GFP/MigR1) and AML1/ETO (intact MYND-SMRT interaction) conditions, whereas four independent biological replicates were assessed for the W692A (disrupted MYND-SMRT interaction) condition. The three GFP replicates were used to establish a baseline signal for comparison to both the AML1/ETO and W692A samples. Keywords: genetic modification
Project description:The forkhead DNA-binding protein FOXP3 is critical for the development and suppressive function of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (TREG), which play a key role in maintaining self tolerance. Functionally, FOXP3 is capable of repressing transcription of cytokine genes regulated by the Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells (NFAT). Various mechanisms have been proposed by which FOXP3 mediates these effects. Using novel HEK cell lines that inducibly express either wild-type (WT) or mutant FOXP3, we have identified genome-wide expression patterns showing among other features that NFAT2 as an early target of FOXP3-mediated transcriptional repression.