Project description:Here as an attempt to explore bacterial single-colony proteomics, we describe a quantitative mass spectrometry-based protocol to isolate and analyse the proteome of a single mycobacterial colony from 7H10 media. Tryptic peptides are evaluated with high performance liquid chromatography coupled with a hybrid quadrupole mass filter Orbitrap analyser (Q Exactive) and raw data analysed using the MaxQuant Suite and downstream analysis using Perseus software . A total of 7805 unique peptides and 1387 proteins were identified
Project description:This dataset contains transcription profiles of TOP10 E.coli transformed with 85 rewired network plasmids first described in: Evolvability and hierarchy in rewired bacterial gene networks. Nature 452:840-5 (2008). The data are described and analysed in an accompanying paper Baumstark et al.,The propagation of perturbations in shuffled bacterial gene networks (Submitted, 2015). 260 raw data microarrays are provided in total, representing biological triplicates (a,b and c; independent colonies grown from the same transformation, under standard growth conditions; LB, 16h). This is done for each of 255 promoter-ORF constructs (e.g. appY-crp, etc.) and 5 control construct microarrays (empty plasmid; Co). Co controls are provided for comparison, to show the relative effect of the rewiring genetic perturbation. The final processed data compares the number of perturbed genes, comparing between the average expression values of each rewired construct and Co. Methods: The 85 rewiring plasmids (Isalan et al, 2008) were transformed into E. coli TOP10 cells and grown under standardised conditions: bacteria were freshly plated onto LB Agar plates (with 100 μg/ml Ampicillin and 50 μg/ml Streptomycin) and incubated overnight at 37oC to form colonies. Single colonies (<3 days old) were used to inoculate 2 ml of LB in 14 ml culture tubes, containing 100 μg/ml Ampicillin and 50 μg/ml Streptomycin. Constructs were grown for 16h at 37oC, at 220 rpm in an orbital shaker. 10 μg of extracted total bacterial RNA (integrity number > 7.0) was used with Affymetrix GeneChip E. coli Genome 2.0 Arrays. Key to names: RAW DATA samples 1-260 _Co_1a.CEL = Control Co, colony a _Co_1b.CEL = Control Co, colony b etc. appY_O_30a.CEL = appY-promoter only, colony a appY_O_30b.CEL = appY-promoter only, colony b etc. appY_crp_34a.CEL = rewired construct, appY-promoter expressing crp ORF, colony a appY_crp_34b.CEL = rewired construct, appY-promoter expressing crp ORF, colony b appY_crp_34b.CEL = rewired construct, appY-promoter expressing crp ORF, colony c etc. PROCESSED DATA sample 261: probe_set_expression_value_norm_all - normalised data for all samples, for all E. coli K12 genes sample 262: probe_set_expression_value_norm_MG1655 - normalised data for all samples, for E. coli MG1655 subset of genes
Project description:Observational, Multicenter, Post-market, Minimal risk, Prospective data collection of PillCam SB3 videos (including PillCam reports) and raw data files and optional collection of Eneteroscopy reports
Project description:Most of the proteomic studies done so far uses bacterial cells harvested from liquid culture media. However it is widely accepted that many important determinants associated with virulence and host cell adhesion are exclusively expressed during growth on solid media. As an attempt to complement previous studies, in this study we compare the proteome coverage of Escherichia coli K12 from a single colony on solid media with those at different growth phases in liquid culture; i.e. early log, mid log, early - and late stationary growth phases. A total of 2044 protein groups covering approximately 47% of the total proteome were identified across all studied conditions; 1650 number of proteins identified from single colonies and 1679 proteins from liquid cultured cells. Label-free quantitative analysis revealed that single colony proteome in a solid agar differs largely from that in liquid culture. The presence of the Suf-operon, involved in iron mobilisation and swarming motility were associated exclusively with single colony profiles. Whereas proteins involved in motility such as MotA, MotB, fliH, flip, fliD and fliJ were associated exclusively to cells grown in liquid culture. The data presented here provide a valuable resource for understanding the role of key proteins within microenvironments surrounding E.coli single colonies.
Project description:Generation of proteomic data from coral nubbins collected from a single Montipora capitata colony in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Over a five-week period, the coral nubbins collected were exposed to ambient and thermal stress conditions, with data generated at three key time points designed to capture the response of the corals to bleaching. Additionally, nubbins from each wild colony were flash frozen directly from the field.