Project description:In this study, we performed LC-QTOF-MS-based metabolomics and RNA-seq based transcriptome analysis using seven tissues of M. japonicus.
Project description:In this study, we performed LC-QTOF-MS-based metabolomics and RNA-seq based transcriptome analysis using seven tissues of Magnolia obovata
Project description:To measure translational efficiency in FMRP depletion, we purified RNAs from either wild-type or FMR1-knockout (FMR1-KO) SH-SY5Y cells generated for SILAC coupled to LC-MS/MS analysis and performed RNA-seq to quantitate mRNA abundance to normalize their protein abundance.
Project description:mccc-1(ww4) mutant animals has no obvious developmental defect, but we observed different abundance of many metabolites by LC-MS/MS analysis. Then, we assumed different metabolite abundance is associated with different metabolic gene expression, sucha that RNA-seq was performed to examine differently expressed gene.
Project description:To investigate changes in noradrenergic neurons of the LC following infusion of human Tyrosinase (hTyr) We performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq of Pre-IP and IP samples following hTyr or EYFP infusion into the LC.
Project description:To better examine the molecular mechanisms behind the virus infection, we conducted a correlation analysis of RNA-Seq and quantitative iTRAQ-LC-MS/MS in TuMV-infected and in healthy Chinese cabbage leaves.
Project description:An TMT-based quantitative crotonylome analysis was performed on the crotonylated proteins enriched from the chloroplast extracts of the normal and salt-treated wheat seedling leaves by using affinity purification and LC-MS/MS. The crotonylated peptides from wheat chloroplast extracts were enriched by using anti-crotonyllysine mouse mAb (Clone 4D5) antibody (PTM BioLabs, HangZhou, China PTM-501 and Nano LC-MS/MS was performed by using a Dionex rapid-separation liquid chromatography system interfaced with a Q Exactive HF (Thermo Fisher Scientific).