Project description:Azelaic acid (AzA) is a candidate systemic resistance inducing phloem mobile signal in Aarabidopsis thaliana, but whether it interacts with immune signalling and how is not known. Here we investigated the crosstalk between phloem signal AzA and immune inducing phytohormone salicylic acid (SA). We show that pretreatment with AzA modulates the SA-inducible transcriptome, wherein some SA-expressed genes show enhanced SA-sensitivity, but many more show reduced SA-sensitivity. 12 day old wild type (col-0) seedlings grown on MS media were treated with 1mM AzA or 5mM MES overnight, then 0.5mM SA or 5mM MES for 6 hours by immersion in 10ml of the respective chemicals. ~50 seedlings were pooled into one biological repeat, with three biological repeats total for this experiment. Seedlings were patted dry with tissue paper and frozen in liquid nitrogen for RNA extraction.
Project description:N-hydroxy-pipecolic acid (NHP) primes Aarabidopsis thaliana to confer faster and stronger activation of immune responses, but how NHP interacts with other immune-inducing phytohormones is unknown. Here we investigated the crosstalk between priming phytohormone NHP and immune inducing phytohormone salicylic acid (SA). We show that pretreatment with NHP modulates the SA-inducible transcriptome, wherein some SA-expressed genes show enhanced SA-sensitivity and some show reduced SA-sensitivity. 12 day old wild type (col-0) seedlings grown on MS media were treated with 1mM NHP or water overnight, then 0.5mM SA or water for 6 hours by immersion in 10ml of the respective chemicals. ~50 seedlings were pooled into one biological repeat, with three biological repeats total for this experiment. Seedlings were patted dry with tissue paper and frozen in liquid nitrogen for RNA extraction.
Project description:Cell suspension culture of Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Columbia) was treated by 250 mM salicylic acid and by two different concentrations of wortmannin (1 mM and 30 mM) for 4 hours.
Project description:Subgroup Ib BHLH genes are induced by Fe deficiency. BHLH038 and BHLH039 were shown to be connected with salicylic acid. The triple knockout 3xbhlh (bhlh039-1 bhlh100-1 bhlh101-1) shows a stronger leaf chlorosis at - Fe than the wild type. The responses of this triple mutant were studied at - Fe in comparison to the wild type in the presence and absence of salicylic acid (SA).
Project description:Functions of AtVDAC1 and its partner p26 in Arabidopsis thaliana. We previously showed that knock-out mutants impaired in AtVdac1 and p26 (AtVdac1 protein partner) are hypersensitive to salicylic acid: the root growth is more inhibited in response to 30 uM salicylic acid (SA) compared to the wild type. We want to know now which genes are up- or down-regulated in the mutants in control and SA conditions.<br> We want to compare the RNAm contents in the wild type, vdac1 and p26 mutants and, vdac1-p26 double mutant. One-week old plantlets were transferred for 2 hours on a fresh medium containing either 0 or 30uM salicylic acid.<br> Arabidopsis lines (WT, vdac1.1, p26.1, vdac1.1-p26.1) were grown in vertical position on ABIS medium (Lanquar et al., 2006). One week-old seedlings were transferred on a fresh ABIS medium containing either 0 or 30 uM salicylic acid. After 2 hours, the all seedlings were harvested. Three replicates were done; total RNAs from these 3 experiments were mixed together for the transcriptomic analysis.
Project description:Using microarray technology and a set of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) unigenes and grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) ESTs, chickpea responses to treatments with the defence signalling compounds salicylic acid (SA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA), and aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC) were studied in four chickpea genotypes with ranging levels of resistance to ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) L.). The experimental system minimized environmental effects and was conducted in reference design, where samples from untreated controls acted as references against post-treatment samples. Robust data quality was achieved through the use of three biological replicates (including a dye-swap), the inclusion of negative controls, and strict selection criteria for differentially expressed genes including a fold change cut-off determined by self-to-self hybridizations, Students t test and multiple testing correction (P<0.05). Microarray observations were also validated by quantitative RT-PCR. The time-course expression patterns of 715 experimental microarray features resulted in differential expression of 425 genes in at least one condition. The A. rabiei resistant chickpea genotypes showed a more substantial range of defence-related gene induction by all treatments, indicating that they may possess stronger abilities to resist infection. Further, the involvement of SA, MeJA, and ACC signalling was identified for the regulation of some important A. rabiei responsive genes, as well as cross-talk between these pathways. This study also found evidence to suggest the involvement of A. rabiei-specific signalling mechanisms for the induction of several genes that were previously implicated in A. rabiei resistance. Overall, this study characterised the regulatory mechanisms of many chickpea genes that may be important in defence against various pathogens, as well as other cellular functions. Although the size of the microarray was limited, the results provided novel insights to the molecular control of chickpea cellular processes, which may assist the understanding of chickpea defence mechanisms and allow enhanced development of disease resistant cultivars. Keywords: time course defence-signalling teatment analysis
Project description:Transcriptional response of Arabidopsis thaliana in systemic acquired resistance: critical roles for pipecolic acid and salicylic acid
Project description:Disease resistance is associated with a plant defense response that involves an integrated set of signal transduction pathways. Gene Expression studies were performed using Arabidopsis wild type seedlings treated with and without salicylic acid (SA). In this study we examined pathogenesis related genes are upregulated. We used Affymetrix GeneChip to study the genome wide gene expression with and without induction of defense by treatment with SA