Project description:microRNA expression profile in 5 indepent sets of paired samples of LPS+IL-4 activated versus non activated primary mouse spleen B cells Keywords: cell type comparison
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE19354: Expression data for rno-miR-146a overexpressing cell line HSC-2 GSE19462: microRNA profiling in vitro activated primary hepatic stellate cells Refer to individual Series
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE12156: Murine spleen B cells miR181b vs control (G4122A) GSE12158: Murine spleen B cells miR181b vs control (G4122F) GSE12176: microRNA expression profile of activated versus non activated primary B cells Refer to individual Series
Project description:microRNA expression profile in 5 indepent sets of paired samples of LPS+IL-4 activated versus non activated primary mouse spleen B cells Keywords: cell type comparison Activated B cells for miRNA array analysis were obtained after CFSE labelling (Molecular Probes), LPS+IL4 stimulation for 3 days and sorting of cells that had undergone at least 1 cell division. Sortings were performed with a FACSAria cell sorter (BD Biosciences).
Project description:The aim of this study was to investigate microRNA expression pattern and its functional relevance on the commitment toward mucosal differentiation and on IgE-mediated activation of mast cells. To identify microRNA genes the expression of which change during the differentiation and activation of murine primary mast cells in vitro, the putative committed progenitors (c-kit+ cells isolated on day 6 from differentiating cultures), immature mast cells (BMMC), mucosal-type mast cells (MMC), and IgE-activated mast cells were compared by Agilent microRNA array.