Project description:Transcriptional profiling was utilized to define the biological pathways of gingival epithelial cells modulated by co-culture with the oral commensal S. gordonii and the opportunistic commensal F. nucleatum. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying infection and identified distinct classes of up- and down-regulated genes during this process. Experiment Overall Design: Gingival epithelial HIGK cells were sham infected (CTRL) and infected with either the oral commensal S. gordonii (Sg) or the opportunistic commensal F. nucleatum (Fn). These samples were hybridized to Affymetrix microarrays. Understanding how host cells have adapted to commensals, and how barrier cells respond to limit their impact, provides a mechanistic biological basis of health in the mixed bacterial-human ecosystem of the oral cavity.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling was utilized to define the biological pathways of gingival epithelial cells modulated by mono- and complex co-culture with oral commensal S. gordonii and pathogenic P. gingivalis. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying infection and identified distinct classes of up- and down-regulated genes during this process. Experiment Overall Design: Gingival epithelial HIGK cells were sham infected (CTRL) and infected with either the oral commensal S. gordonii (Sg) or the pathogenic P. gingivalis (Pg) as well as co-cultured in mixed cultures of Sg and Pg (Sg+Pg). These samples were hybridized to Affymetrix microarrays. Understanding how host cells have adapted to commensals, and how barrier cells respond to limit their impact, provides a mechanistic biological basis of health in the mixed bacterial-human ecosystem of the oral cavity and provides insight on how the degree of complexity of a microbiome influences this balance.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling was utilized to define the biological pathways of gingival epithelial cells modulated by co-culture with the oral commensal S. gordonii and the opportunistic commensal F. nucleatum. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying infection and identified distinct classes of up- and down-regulated genes during this process. Keywords: infection state
Project description:Transcriptional profiling was utilized to define the biological pathways of gingival epithelial cells modulated by mono- and complex co-culture with oral commensal S. gordonii and pathogenic P. gingivalis. We used microarrays to detail the global programme of gene expression underlying infection and identified distinct classes of up- and down-regulated genes during this process. Keywords: infection state
Project description:The opportunistic pathogen A. actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) expereinces fluctuating oxygen levels in its natural habitat, the gingival crevice of the human oral cavity. Since oxygen influences metabolic interactions between Aa and other oral microbes, we sought to characterize oxygen-dependent Aa gene expression.
Project description:In this paper, we first report that EC smoking significantly increases the odds of gingival inflammation. Then, we seek to identify and explain the mechanism that underlies the relationship between EC smoking and gingival inflammation via the oral microbiome. We performed mediation analyses to assess if EC smoking affects the oral microbiome, which in turn affects gingival inflammation. For this, we collected saliva and subgingival samples from EC users and non-users and profiled their microbial compositions via 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. We then performed α-diversity, β-diversity, and taxonomic differential analyses to survey the disparity in microbial composition between EC users and non-users. We found significant increases in α-diversity in EC users and disparities in β-diversity between EC users and non-users.
Project description:Genetic defects in neutrophil function or trafficking are highly associated with oral inflammation and periodontitis. The leukocyte NADPH oxidase enzymes complex is a multi-subunit enzyme that has been described to play important immunomodulatory roles in limiting the inflammatory responses of neutrophils and macrophages. Here, we determined the impact of loss of NADPH oxidase dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in gingival inflammatory responses using a model of ligature induced murine periodontitis.