Project description:Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) is an allogamous coniferous species that relies on wind-mediated pollen and seed dispersal, and it is one of the most important forestry tree species in Japan. For accelerating breeding, we collected massive SNPs based on ESTs from several organs using NGS, and thus carried out QTL, GWAS and GS based on high-density linkage maps.
Project description:Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) is an allogamous coniferous species that relies on wind-mediated pollen and seed dispersal, and it is one of the most important forestry tree species in Japan. For accelerating breeding, we collected massive SNPs based on ESTs from several organs using NGS, and thus carried out QTL, GWAS and GS based on high-density linkage maps.
Project description:Wind is one of the most prevalent environmental forces entraining plants to develop various mechano-responses, collectively called thigmomorphogenesis. Largely unknown is how plants transduce the complex wind force signals downstream to nuclear events and the development of thigmomorphogenic phenotype or anemotropic response. To identify molecular components of the wind drag force signaling, two force-regulated phosphoproteins, identified from our previous phosphoproteomic study of Arabidopsis touch response, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (MKK1) and 2 (MKK2), were selected for performing in planta TurboID (ID)-based proximity-labeling (PL) proteomics. This quantitative biotinylproteomics was separately performed on MKK1-ID and MKK2-ID transgenic plants, respectively, using the TurboID overexpression transgenics as a universal control. This quantitative biotinylproteomic work successfully identified 11 and 71 MKK1- and MKK2 - associated proteins, respectively. A WInd-Related Kinase 1 (WIRK1), previously known as Rapidly Accelerated Fibrosarcoma 36 protein (RAF36), was eventually found to be a common interactor for both MKK1 and MKK2 kinases. Further molecular biology studies of the Arabidopsis RAF36 kinase found that it plays a role in wind regulation of the expression of touch-responsive TCH3 and CML38 genes and the phosphorylation of a touch-regulated PATL3 phosphoprotein. Measurement of leaf morphology and shoot gravitropic response of wirk1-1 mutant revealed that the WIRK1 gene is involved in both wind response and gravitropism of Arabidopsis, suggesting that WIRK1 protein may serve as the crosstalk point among multiple signal transduction pathways of both gravitropic and wind responses. It is likely that gravity force signaling may be an integral part of the wind mechano-signaling network in various parts of plant organs.
Project description:The aim of this study is to study gene expression in Brassica oleracea in shoot tissues of plants grown under contrasting P supplies (see Hammond JP et al., 2003, Plant Physiology, 132, 578-596 for background). Seeds of B. oleracea (var. alboglabra, A12dH) were first washed in 70% (v/v) ethanol/water, rinsed in distilled water and surface sterilised using 50% (v/v) domestic bleach/water. Seeds were rinsed and imbibed for 3 to 5 days in sterile distilled water at 4°C to break dormancy. Following imbibition, B. oleracea seeds were sown in un-vented, polycarbonate culture boxes (Sigma-Aldrich Company Ltd., Dorset UK). Seedlings were grown for 21 days on perforated polycarbonate discs (diameter 91 mm by 5 mm) placed on 75 ml of 0.8% (w/v) agar containing 1% (w/v) sucrose and a basal salt mix. Roots grew into the agar, but shoots remained on the opposite side of the disc. After 21 days, seedlings were transferred, still on polycarbonate discs, to a hydroponics system situated in a Saxcil growth cabinet (16 h daylength, set to 22°C and 80% humidity). Each polycarbonate disc was placed on a light-proof 500 ml beaker over 450 ml of nutrient solution. After 7 days, half the plants were transferred to nutrient solution containing no phosphate and the other half remained on full nutrient solution (control plants). Shoots were harvested 100 h after the withdrawal of P. !Samples were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. RNA was extracted using the TRIzol extraction method and cleaned through a Qiagen RNeasy column. Experimenter name = Martin Broadley Experimenter phone = 0115 951 6382 Experimenter fax = 0115 951 6334 Experimenter institute = University of Nottingham Experimenter address = Plant Sciences Division Experimenter address = School of Biosciences Experimenter address = University of Nottingham Experimenter address = Sutton Bonington Experimenter address = Loughborough Experimenter zip/postal_code = LE12 5RD Experimenter country = UK Keywords: growth_condition_design
Project description:12plex_pea_2013_02 - 12plex_pea_2013_02_f - What is the effect of a moderate water stress on seed filling (reserve accumulation) and nitrogen remobilisation in pea (Pisum sativum) - Pea plants (genotype Cameor) were subjected to a moderate water stress at the beggining of the seed filling period (12 Days After Pollination) of the second flowering node for a period of 8 days. Samples were collected from Well Watered (WW) plants at the beginning of the stress imposition (point A, T=0), and from Water-Stressed (WS) and WW control plants at the end of the drought period (point B, T=+8). Samples named SEED consisted of seeds from the pod of the second flowering node (seed-WW-A, seed-WW-B and Seed-WS-B). Samples named LEAF consisted of the leaves and stem sections from the two vegetative nodes below the first flowering node (leaf-WW-A, Leaf-WW-B and Leaf-WS-B). Each sample consited of a pool of 3 individual plants and 4 repetitions per condition were carried out.
Project description:12plex_pea_2013_02 - 12plex_pea_2013_02_g - What is the effect of a moderate water stress on seed filling (reserve accumulation) and nitrogen remobilisation in pea (Pisum sativum) - Pea plants (genotype Cameor) were subjected to a moderate water stress at the beggining of the seed filling period (12 Days After Pollination) of the second flowering node for a period of 8 days. Samples were collected from Well Watered (WW) plants at the beginning of the stress imposition (point A, T=0), and from Water-Stressed (WS) and WW control plants at the end of the drought period (point B, T=+8). Samples named SEED consisted of seeds from the pod of the second flowering node (seed-WW-A, seed-WW-B and Seed-WS-B). Samples named LEAF consisted of the leaves and stem sections from the two vegetative nodes below the first flowering node (leaf-WW-A, Leaf-WW-B and Leaf-WS-B). Each sample consited of a pool of 3 individual plants and 4 repetitions per condition were carried out.
Project description:Random mutagenesis was applied to produce a new wheat mutant (RYNO3926) with superior characteristics regarding tolerance to water deficit treatment and rapid recovery from water stress conditions. Under water stress conditions mutant plants reached maturity faster and produced more seeds than its wild type wheat progenitor Further, whereas wild-type Tugela DN plants died within 7 days after induction of water stress, mutant plants survived by maintaining a higher relative moisture content (RMC), increased total chlorophyll, a higher photosynthesis rate and stomatal conductance suggesting that the mutant may possess a “stay green”’ phenotype. Analysis of the proteome of mutant plants revealed that they better regulate post-translational modification (SUMOylation) and have increased expression of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) proteins. Mutant plants also expressed unique proteins associated with dehydration tolerance including abscisic stress-ripening protein, cold induced protein, cold-responsive protein, dehydrin, Group 3 late embryogenesis and also a lipoprotein (LAlv9) belonging to the family of lipocalins. Overall, our results suggest that our new mutant RYNO3936 has a potential for inclusion in future breeding programs to improve drought tolerance under dryland conditions.
Project description:Drought is the prime stressors that land plants have to overcome since their dawn. One strategy that land plants employ is to limit water loss and to transport water via a vascular system, another is to produce desiccation tolerant cells and tissues. In most flowering plants, the latter strategy is limited to seeds and to some extend pollen. Common to desiccation and drought tolerance is the accumulation of small osmolytes and proteins with protective functions. Also common to both strategies is the accumulation of neutral lipids, foremost triacylglycerol (TAG), in cytosolic lipid droplets (LDs) with especially high levels being reached in embryonic tissues. Here, we investigated yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus), a monocot, perennial C4 plant. This species produces stolon-derived underground tubers that can fully desiccate and remain viable for years. Yellow nutsedge stands out, as its tubers store 25-30 % of their dry mass in lipids especially TAG, similar to seeds. We generated nanoLC-MS/MS-based proteomes in five replicates of four stages of tuber development and compared them to the proteomes of roots and leaves, yielding 2257 distinct protein groups. Our data reveal a striking upregulation of hallmark proteins of seeds in the tubers. A deeper comparison to a previously published proteome of Arabidopsis seeds and seedlings indicate that indeed a seed-like proteome was co-opted. This was further supported by an analysis of the proteome of a lipid-droplet enriched fraction of yellow nutsedge, which also displayed seed-like characteristics.
Project description:Seeds are crucial for plant reproduction, dispersal, and agriculture. Seed quality and vigour greatly impact crop production, referring to their ability to germinate rapidly and uniformly under varying environmental conditions, producing healthy seedlings that can withstand biotic and abiotic stress accentuated by global climate change. During germination, seeds release exudates, complex mixtures of organic and inorganic molecules, into the micro-environment surrounding them, known as the spermosphere. These exudates play a pivotal role in seedling development and overall plant fitness by influencing microbial selection, growth, and interactions in the spermosphere, ultimately shaping the plant's microbiome. Proteins such as enzymes have previously been demonstrated to be released by the seeds in its exudates. However, limited information is available pertaining to peptides in seed exudates. Here we developed an experimental protocol to extract and identify peptides in the spermosphere on one common bean genotype.